Nuno Cavalheiro Marques
Nuno Cavalheiro Marques
Professor of Computer Science, UNL
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Segmentation of masses on mammograms using data augmentation and deep learning
FA Zeiser, CA da Costa, T Zonta, NMC Marques, AV Roehe, M Moreno, ...
Journal of digital imaging 33, 858-868, 2020
Feature Clustering with Self-organizing Maps and an Application to Financial Time-series for Portfolio Selection.
B Silva, NC Marques
IJCCI (ICFC-ICNC), 301-309, 2010
Using neural nets for portuguese part-of-speech tagging
NC Marques, GP Lopes
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Cognitive Science of …, 1996
Tagging with small training corpora
NC Marques, GP Lopes
International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, 63-72, 2001
An extension of self-organizing maps to categorical data
N Chen, NC Marques
Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 304-313, 2005
A hybrid parallel SOM algorithm for large maps in data-mining
B Silva, N Marques
New Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 2007
Breast cancer intelligent analysis of histopathological data: A systematic review
FA Zeiser, CA da Costa, AV Roehe, R da Rosa Righi, NMC Marques
Applied Soft Computing 113, 107886, 2021
Polaris: POrtuguese lexicon acquisition and retrieval interactive system
JG Lopes, NC Marques, V Rocio
The Practical Applications of Prolog, 665, 1994
Uma metodologia para a modelação estatística da subcategorização verbal
NMC Marques
A neural network approach to part-of-speech tagging
NC Marques, GP Lopes
Proceedings of the 2nd meeting for computational processing of spoken and …, 1996
The ubiquitous self-organizing map for non-stationary data streams
B Silva, NC Marques
Journal of Big Data 2, 1-22, 2015
Neuro-symbolic word tagging
NC Marques1a, S Bader2b, V Rocio3c, S Hölldobler2d
International Review on Computers and Software, 2021
Determining the polarity of words through a common online dictionary
A Paulo-Santos, C Ramos, NC Marques
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 15th Portuguese Conference on …, 2011
User group profile modeling based on user transactional data for personalized systems
Y Yang, NC Marques
Portuguese conference on artificial intelligence, 337-347, 2005
Guiding Backprop by Inserting Rules.
S Bader, S Hölldobler, NC Marques, AS d’Avila Garcez, P Hitzler
NeSy, 2008
Evolutionary feature selection for spiking neural network pattern classifiers
M Valko, NC Marques, M Castellani
2005 portuguese conference on artificial intelligence, 181-187, 2005
Learning verbal transitivity using loglinear models
N Miguel Marques, G Pereira Lopes, C Agra Coelho
Machine Learning: ECML-98: 10th European Conference on Machine Learning …, 1998
An interactive interface for multi-dimensional data stream analysis
NC Marques, B Silva, H Santos
2016 20th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 223-229, 2016
A POS-Tagger generator for unknown languages.
NC Marques, GP Lopes
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 27, 2001
COVID-19 preparedness and perceived safety in nursing homes in Southern Portugal: A cross-sectional survey-based study in the initial phases of the pandemic
Ó Brito Fernandes, P Lobo Julião, N Klazinga, D Kringos, N Marques
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (15), 7983, 2021
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