Ryan Scherle
Ryan Scherle
Dryad Digital Repository
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Cited by
A metadata best practice for a scientific data repository
J Greenberg, HC White, S Carrier, R Scherle
Journal of Library Metadata 9 (3-4), 194-212, 2009
Towards context-based search engine selection
DB Leake, R Scherle
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2001
The Dryad data repository: A Singapore framework metadata architecture in a DSpace environment
HC White, S Carrier, A Thompson, J Greenberg, R Scherle
Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata …, 2008
Linking big: the continuing promise of evolutionary synthesis
B Sidlauskas, G Ganapathy, E Hazkani-Covo, KP Jenkins, H Lapp, ...
Evolution 64 (4), 871-880, 2010
Variations2: Retrieving and using music in an academic setting
JW Dunn, D Byrd, M Notess, J Riley, R Scherle
Communications of the ACM 49 (8), 53-58, 2006
Selecting task-relevant sources for just-in-time retrieval
D Leake, R Scherle, J Budzik, K Hammond
Proceedings of the AAAI-99 Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems, 1999
HIVE: Helping interdisciplinary vocabulary engineering
J Greenberg, R Losee, JRP Agüera, R Scherle, H White, C Willis
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 37 …, 2011
Defining best practices in electronic thesis and dissertation metadata
RL Lubas
Journal of Library Metadata 9 (3-4), 252-263, 2009
A balancing act: The ideal and the realistic in developing Dryad's preservation policy
S Mannheimer, A Yoon, J Greenberg, E Feinstein, R Scherle
The anatomy of a bibliographic search system for music
R Scherle, D Byrd
Building support for a discipline-based data repository
R Scherle, S Carrier, J Greenberg, H Lapp, A Thompson, T Vision, ...
V2V: A second variation on query-by-humming
WP Birmingham, K O'Malley, JW Dunn, R Scherle
2003 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2003. Proceedings., 380, 2003
A Metadata Best Practice for a Scientific Data Repository
G Jane, HC White, S Carrier, R Scherle
Metadata Best Practices and Guidelines, 28-46, 2014
A Balancing Act: The Ideal and the Realistic in Dryad’s Preservation Policy Development
S Mannheimer, A Yoon, J Greenberg, E Feinstein, R Scherle
Using DSpace as a Disciplinary Data Repository
R Scherle
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009
New Use Cases and Best Practices Panel
WE Moen, R Scherle, JA Trimble, J Leggett, M McFarland, A Mikeal, ...
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009
Infrastructure Update Talk
R Scherle, M Ozakca
Indiana University Digital Library Program, 2007
Searching Digital Content via SRU
R Scherle, R Floyd
Indiana University Digital Library Program, 2006
Looking for a haystack: Selecting data sources in a distributed retrieval system
R Scherle
Indiana University, 2006
Variations2: Retrieving and Using Music in an Academic Setting University music students, teachers, and researchers discover and retrieve musical works and navigate within them …
JW Dunn, D Byrd, M Notess, J Riley, R Scherle
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Articles 1–20