Giulio Careddu
Giulio Careddu
Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Environmental Biology
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Effects of terrestrial input on macrobenthic food webs of coastal sea are detected by stable isotope analysis in Gaeta Gulf
G Careddu, ML Costantini, E Calizza, P Carlino, F Bentivoglio, L Orlandi, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 154, 158-168, 2015
Effect of habitat degradation on competition, carrying capacity, and species assemblage stability
E Calizza, ML Costantini, G Careddu, L Rossi
Ecology and evolution 7 (15), 5784-5796, 2017
Antarctic food web architecture under varying dynamics of sea ice cover
L Rossi, S Sporta Caputi, E Calizza, G Careddu, M Oliverio, S Schiaparelli, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 12454, 2019
The role of alien fish (the centrarchid Micropterus salmoides) in lake food webs highlighted by stable isotope analysis
ML Costantini, P Carlino, E Calizza, G Careddu, D Cicala, ...
Freshwater Biology 63 (9), 1130-1142, 2018
Time-and depth-wise trophic niche shifts in Antarctic benthos
E Calizza, G Careddu, S Sporta Caputi, L Rossi, ML Costantini
PLoS One 13 (3), e0194796, 2018
Site-scale isotopic variations along a river course help localize drainage basin influence on river food webs
F Bentivoglio, E Calizza, D Rossi, P Carlino, G Careddu, L Rossi, ...
Hydrobiologia 770, 257-272, 2016
Stable isotope-based statistical tools as ecological indicator of pollution sources in Mediterranean transitional water ecosystems
G Jona-Lasinio, ML Costantini, E Calizza, A Pollice, F Bentivoglio, ...
Ecological Indicators 55, 23-31, 2015
Seasonal food web dynamics in the Antarctic benthos of Tethys Bay (Ross Sea): implications for biodiversity persistence under different seasonal sea-ice coverage
SS Caputi, G Careddu, E Calizza, F Fiorentino, D Maccapan, L Rossi, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 594454, 2020
Isotopic determination of the trophic ecology of a ubiquitous key species – The crab Liocarcinus depurator (Brachyura: Portunidae)
G Careddu, E Calizza, ML Costantini, L Rossi
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 191, 106-114, 2017
The effects of nitrogen pollutants on the isotopic signal (δ15N) of Ulva lactuca: microcosm experiments
L Orlandi, E Calizza, G Careddu, P Carlino, ML Costantini, L Rossi
Marine pollution bulletin 115 (1-2), 429-435, 2017
A novel approach to quantifying trophic interaction strengths and impact of invasive species in food webs
E Calizza, L Rossi, G Careddu, S Sporta Caputi, ML Costantini
Biological Invasions 23 (7), 2093-2107, 2021
Space-time monitoring of coastal pollution in the Gulf of Gaeta, Italy, using δ15N values of Ulva lactuca, landscape hydromorphology, and Bayesian Kriging modelling
L Rossi, E Calizza, G Careddu, D Rossi, L Orlandi, G Jona-Lasinio, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 126, 479-487, 2018
Species richness and vulnerability to disturbance propagation in real food webs
E Calizza, L Rossi, G Careddu, S Sporta Caputi, ML Costantini
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 19331, 2019
Assessing resource use patterns of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) through stable isotope analysis
MF Blasi, L Tomassini, M Gelippi, G Careddu, G Insacco, NVC Polunin
The European Zoological Journal 85 (1), 71-87, 2018
Epilithon δ15N signatures indicate the origins of nitrogen loading and its seasonal dynamics in a volcanic Lake
F Fiorentino, D Cicala, G Careddu, E Calizza, G Jona-Lasinio, L Rossi, ...
Ecological Indicators 79, 19-27, 2017
Isotopic biomonitoring of N pollution in rivers embedded in complex human landscapes
E Calizza, F Favero, D Rossi, G Careddu, F Fiorentino, SS Caputi, L Rossi, ...
Science of the Total Environment 706, 136081, 2020
Spatial variation in the feeding strategies of Mediterranean fish: Flatfish and mullet in the Gulf of Gaeta (Italy)
D Cicala, E Calizza, G Careddu, F Fiorentino, S Sporta Caputi, L Rossi, ...
Aquatic Ecology 53 (4), 529-541, 2019
Gaining insight into the assimilated diet of small bear populations by stable isotope analysis
G Careddu, P Ciucci, S Mondovì, E Calizza, L Rossi, ML Costantini
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 14118, 2021
Stable isotopes and digital elevation models to study nutrient inputs in high-Arctic lakes
E Calizza, ML Costantini, D Rossi, V Pasquali, G Careddu, L Rossi
Rendiconti Lincei 27, 191-199, 2016
Nitrogen and metal pollution in the southern Caspian Sea: a multiple approach to bioassessment
ML Costantini, H Agah, F Fiorentino, F Irandoost, FJL Trujillo, G Careddu, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (8), 9898-9912, 2021
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Articles 1–20