Elizabeth Braker
Elizabeth Braker
President and CEO, Organization for Tropical Studies
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Canopy openings in a primary neotropical lowland forest
RL Sanford, HE Braker, GS Hartshorn
Journal of Tropical Ecology 2 (3), 277-282, 1986
Food-niche relationships and guild structure of diurnal birds of prey: competition versus opportunism
FM Jaksić, HE Braker
Canadian journal of zoology 61 (10), 2230-2241, 1983
Plant-herbivore interactions: diversity, specificity, and impact
RJ Marquis, HE Braker
La Selva: ecology and natural history of a neotropical rain forest, 261-281, 1994
Leaf‐cutting ant preferences for five native tropical plantation tree species growing under different light conditions
PJ Folgarait, LA Dyer, RJ Marquis, HE Braker
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 80 (3), 521-530, 1996
Patterns of attack by insect herbivores and a fungus on saplings in a tropical tree plantation
PJ Folgarait, RJ Marquis, P Ingvarsson, HE Braker, M Arguedas
Environmental Entomology 24 (6), 1487-1494, 1995
The influence of understory vegetation cover on germination and seedling establishment in a tropical lowland wet forest
RJ Marquis, HJ Young, HE Braker
Biotropica, 273-278, 1986
Diet breadth and exploitation of exotic plants shift the core microbiome of Cephaloleia, a group of tropical herbivorous beetles
CL Blankenchip, DE Michels, HE Braker, SK Goffredi
PeerJ 6, e4793, 2018
The palatability of ferns and the ecology of two tropical forest grasshoppers
CHF Rowell, M Rowell-Rahier, HE Braker, G Cooper-Driver, LD Gomez P
Biotropica 15 (3), 207-216, 1983
Ecological, behavioural and nutritional factors influencing use of palms as host plants by a Neotropical forest grasshopper
E Braker, RL Chazdon
Journal of Tropical Ecology 9 (2), 183-197, 1993
Evolution and ecology of oviposition on host plants by acridoid grasshoppers
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 38 (4), 389-406, 1989
Density, biomass, and diversity of grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in a California native grassland
EE Porter, RA Redak, HE Braker
The Great Basin Naturalist 56 (2), 172-176, 1996
Natural history of a neotropical gap-inhabiting grasshopper
E Braker
Biotropica, 41-50, 1991
Population biology: life histories, abundance, demography, and predator-prey interactions
HE Braker, HW Greene
La Selva: ecology and natural history of a Neotropical rain forest (LA …, 1994
Effect of clonal reproduction on genetic structure in Pentaclethra macroloba (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae)
KD Gaddis, HL Zukin, IA Dieterich, E Braker, VL Sork
Revista de Biología Tropical 62 (2), 443-454, 2014
The tadpole of Agalychnis calcarifer (Anura: Hylidae)
MA Donnelly, C Guyer, DM Krempels, HE Braker
Copeia 1987 (1), 247-250, 1987
The Organization for Tropical Studies: History, accomplishments, future directions in education and research, with an emphasis in the contributions to the study of plant …
OJ Rocha, E Braker
Biological Conservation 253, 2021
Oviposition on host plants by a tropical forest grasshopper (Microtylopteryx hebardi: Acrididae)
HE Braker
Ecological Entomology 14 (2), 141-148, 1989
La Selva: Ecology and natural history of a neotropical rain forest
RJ Marquis, HE Braker, LA McDade, KS Bawa, GS Hartshorn, ...
Plant-herbivore interactions: diversity, specificity and impact, 261-281, 1994
Influence of method of presentation on results of plant‐host preference tests with two species of grasshopper
RJ Marquis, HE Braker
Entomologia experimentalis et Applicata 44 (1), 59-63, 1987
Host Plant Relationships of the Neotropical Grasshopper, Microtylopteryx hebardi Rehn (Acrididae, Ommatolompinae)
HE Braker
University of California, Berkeley, 1986
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Articles 1–20