Andrea Zuccolo
Andrea Zuccolo
Professor at M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University
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Cited by
The B73 maize genome: complexity, diversity, and dynamics
PS Schnable, D Ware, RS Fulton, JC Stein, F Wei, S Pasternak, C Liang, ...
science 326 (5956), 1112-1115, 2009
Human gut microbiota in obesity and after gastric bypass
H Zhang, JK DiBaise, A Zuccolo, D Kudrna, M Braidotti, Y Yu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (7), 2365-2370, 2009
The Norway spruce genome sequence and conifer genome evolution
B Nystedt, NR Street, A Wetterbom, A Zuccolo, YC Lin, DG Scofield, ...
Nature 497 (7451), 579-584, 2013
A physical, genetic and functional sequence assembly of the barley genome.
KF Mayer, R Waugh, P Langridge, TJ Close, RP Wise, A Graner, ...
Nature 491, 711-716, 2012
The high-quality draft genome of peach (Prunus persica) identifies unique patterns of genetic diversity, domestication and genome evolution
International Peach Genome Initiative, I Verde, AG Abbott, S Scalabrin, ...
Nature genetics 45 (5), 487-494, 2013
Sequencing of diverse mandarin, pummelo and orange genomes reveals complex history of admixture during citrus domestication
GA Wu, S Prochnik, J Jenkins, J Salse, U Hellsten, F Murat, X Perrier, ...
Nature biotechnology 32 (7), 656-662, 2014
Gene duplication and exon shuffling by helitron-like transposons generate intraspecies diversity in maize
M Morgante, S Brunner, G Pea, K Fengler, A Zuccolo, A Rafalski
Nature genetics 37 (9), 997-1002, 2005
Genomes of 13 domesticated and wild rice relatives highlight genetic conservation, turnover and innovation across the genus Oryza
JC Stein, Y Yu, D Copetti, DJ Zwickl, L Zhang, C Zhang, K Chougule, ...
Nature genetics 50 (2), 285-296, 2018
The genome sequence of African rice (Oryza glaberrima) and evidence for independent domestication
M Wang, Y Yu, G Haberer, PR Marri, C Fan, JL Goicoechea, A Zuccolo, ...
Nature genetics 46 (9), 982-988, 2014
A route to de novo domestication of wild allotetraploid rice
H Yu, T Lin, X Meng, H Du, J Zhang, G Liu, M Chen, Y Jing, L Kou, X Li, ...
Cell 184 (5), 1156-1170. e14, 2021
The rice annotation project database (RAP-DB): 2008 update
Rice Annotation Project
Nucleic Acids Research 36 (suppl_1), D1028-D1033, 2007
The Chinese pine genome and methylome unveil key features of conifer evolution
S Niu, J Li, W Bo, W Yang, A Zuccolo, S Giacomello, X Chen, F Han, ...
Cell 185 (1), 204-217. e14, 2022
Two gap-free reference genomes and a global view of the centromere architecture in rice
JM Song, WZ Xie, S Wang, YX Guo, DH Koo, D Kudrna, C Gong, Y Huang, ...
Molecular plant 14 (10), 1757-1767, 2021
Dynamic Evolution of Oryza Genomes Is Revealed by Comparative Genomic Analysis of a Genus-Wide Vertical Data Set
JSS Ammiraju, F Lu, A Sanyal, Y Yu, X Song, N Jiang, AC Pontaroli, ...
The Plant Cell 20 (12), 3191-3209, 2008
A platinum standard pan-genome resource that represents the population structure of Asian rice
Y Zhou, D Chebotarov, D Kudrna, V Llaca, S Lee, S Rajasekar, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 113, 2020
Transposable element distribution, abundance and role in genome size variation in the genus Oryza
A Zuccolo, A Sebastian, J Talag, Y Yu, HR Kim, K Collura, D Kudrna, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 7, 1-15, 2007
Evolutionary dynamics of an ancient retrotransposon family provides insights into evolution of genome size in the genus Oryza
JSS Ammiraju, A Zuccolo, Y Yu, X Song, B Piegu, F Chevalier, JG Walling, ...
The Plant Journal 52 (2), 342-351, 2007
Functional and evolutionary genomic inferences in Populus through genome and population sequencing of American and European aspen
YC Lin, J Wang, N Delhomme, B Schiffthaler, G Sundström, A Zuccolo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (46), E10970-E10978, 2018
BAC-end Sequence Analysis and a Draft Physical Map of the Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genome
JA Schlueter, JL Goicoechea, K Collura, N Gill, JY Lin, Y Yu, D Kudrna, ...
Tropical Plant Biology 1, 40-48, 2008
RiTE database: a resource database for genus-wide rice genomics and evolutionary biology
D Copetti, J Zhang, M El Baidouri, D Gao, J Wang, E Barghini, RM Cossu, ...
BMC genomics 16, 1-10, 2015
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Articles 1–20