Robert Soussignan
Robert Soussignan
Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation
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Inter-brain synchronization during social interaction
G Dumas, J Nadel, R Soussignan, J Martinerie, L Garnero
PloS one 5 (8), e12166, 2010
Human foetuses learn odours from their pregnant mother’s diet
B Schaal, L Marlier, R Soussignan
Chemical senses 25 (6), 729-737, 2000
Duchenne smile, emotional experience, and autonomic reactivity: a test of the facial feedback hypothesis.
R Soussignan
Emotion 2 (1), 52, 2002
Olfactory function in the human fetus: evidence from selective neonatal responsiveness to the odor of amniotic fluid.
B Schaal, L Marlier, R Soussignan
Behavioral neuroscience 112 (6), 1438, 1998
Facial and autonomic responses to biological and artificial olfactory stimuli in human neonates: re-examining early hedonic discrimination of odors
R Soussignan, B Schaal, L Marlier, T Jiang
Physiology & Behavior 62 (4), 745-758, 1997
Neonatal responsiveness to the odor of amniotic and lacteal fluids: A test of perinatal chemosensory continuity
L Marlier, B Schaal, R Soussignan
Child development 69 (3), 611-623, 1998
Male testosterone linked to high social dominance but low physical aggression in early adolescence
B Schaal, RE Tremblay, R Soussignan, EJ Susman
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 35 (10 …, 1996
Olfaction in the fetal and premature infant: functional status and clinical implications
B Schaal, T Hummel, R Soussignan
Clinics in Perinatology 31 (2), 261-285, 2004
Empathy and recognition of facial expressions of emotion in sex offenders, non-sex offenders and normal controls
I Gery, R Miljkovitch, S Berthoz, R Soussignan
Psychiatry research 165 (3), 252-262, 2009
The secretion of areolar (Montgomery's) glands from lactating women elicits selective, unconditional responses in neonates
S Doucet, R Soussignan, P Sagot, B Schaal
PLoS One 4 (10), e7579, 2009
Gaze avoidance in social phobia: Objective measure and correlates
A Moukheiber, G Rautureau, F Perez-Diaz, R Soussignan, S Dubal, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 48 (2), 147-151, 2010
Testosterone, physical aggression, dominance, and physical development in early adolescence
RE Tremblay
International Journal of Behavioral Development 22 (4), 753-777, 1998
Responsiveness to the odour of amniotic fluid in the human neonate
B Schaal, L Marlier, R Soussignan
Neonatology 67 (6), 397-406, 1995
The “smellscape” of mother's breast: effects of odor masking and selective unmasking on neonatal arousal, oral, and visual responses
S Doucet, R Soussignan, P Sagot, B Schaal
Developmental psychobiology 49 (2), 129-138, 2007
Children's facial responsiveness to odors: Influences of hedonic valence of odor, gender, age, and social presence.
R Soussignan, B Schall
Developmental psychology 32 (2), 367, 1996
Bottle‐fed neonates prefer an odor experienced in utero to an odor experienced postnatally in the feeding context
L Marlier, B Schaal, R Soussignan
Developmental Psychobiology: The Journal of the International Society for …, 1998
Long‐lasting memory for an odor acquired at the mother's breast
M Delaunay‐El Allam, R Soussignan, B Patris, L Marlier, B Schaal
Developmental science 13 (6), 849-863, 2010
Olfaction scaffolds the developing human from neonate to adolescent and beyond
B Schaal, TK Saxton, H Loos, R Soussignan, K Durand
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375 (1800), 20190261, 2020
Does the brain know who is at the origin of what in an imitative interaction?
G Dumas, J Martinerie, R Soussignan, J Nadel
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 128, 2012
Sensitivity to social contingency and positive emotion in 2‐month‐olds
R Soussignan, J Nadel, P Canet, P Gerardin
Infancy 10 (2), 123-144, 2006
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