Sacha K. Heath
Sacha K. Heath
San Francisco Estuary Institute
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Geographic structure of Adelie penguin populations: Overlap in colony‐specific foraging areas
DG Ainley, CA Ribic, G Ballard, S Heath, I Gaffney, BJ Karl, KJ Barton, ...
Ecological monographs 74 (1), 159-178, 2004
How avian nest site selection responds to predation risk: testing an ‘adaptive peak hypothesis’
QS Latif, SK Heath, JT Rotenberry
Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (1), 127-138, 2012
A bustle in the hedgerow: Woody field margins boost on farm avian diversity and abundance in an intensive agricultural landscape
SK Heath, CU Soykan, KL Velas, R Kelsey, SM Kross
Biological Conservation 212, 153-161, 2017
The Integration of climate change, spatial dynamics, and habitat fragmentation: a conceptual overview
M Holyoak, SK Heath
Integrative Zoology 11, 40–59, 2016
Experimental field exclosure of birds and bats in agricultural systems—Methodological insights, potential improvements, and cost-benefit trade-offs
B Maas, S Heath, I Grass, C Cassano, A Classen, D Faria, P Gras, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 35, 1-12, 2019
Patterns of breeding songbird diversity and occurrence in riparian habitats of the eastern Sierra Nevada
SK Heath, G Ballard
Riparian Habitat and Floodplains Conference, 21-34, 2003
An ‘ecological trap’for yellow warbler nest microhabitat selection
QS Latif, SK Heath, JT Rotenberry
Oikos 120 (8), 1139-1150, 2011
Effects of conifers on aspen-breeding bird communities in the Sierra Nevada
TW Richardson, SK Heath
Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 40, 68, 2004
Ecological correlates and sex differences in early development of a generalist brood parasite
CM Tonra, ME Hauber, SK Heath, MD Johnson
The Auk 125 (1), 205-213, 2008
Yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia)
SK Heath
Studies of Western Birds. California Bird Species of Special Concern: A …, 2008
Multiscale habitat mediates pest reduction by birds in an intensive agricultural region
SK Heath, RF Long
Ecosphere 10 (10), e02884, 2019
Plant structural complexity and mechanical defenses mediate predator–prey interactions in an odonate–bird system
P Grof‐Tisza, E LoPresti, SK Heath, R Karban
Ecology and Evolution 7 (5), 1650-1659, 2017
Atypical willow flycatcher nesting sites in a recovering riparian corridor at Mono Lake, California
C McCreedy, SK Heath
Western Birds 35, 197-209, 2004
First evidence of conspecific brood parasitism and egg ejection in Song Sparrows, with comments on methods sufficient to document these behaviors
QS Latif, J Letitia Grenier, SK Heath, G Ballard, ME Hauber
The Condor 108 (2), 452-458, 2006
Effects of parents and Brown‐headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) on nest predation risk for a songbird
QS Latif, SK Heath, JT Rotenberry
Ecology and Evolution, 2012
Brood parasitism and nest survival of brown-headed cowbird hosts at high-elevation riparian sites in the eastern Sierra Nevada, California
SK Heath, LA Culp, CA Howell
Western North American Naturalist 70 (3), 364-376, 2010
The nest predator assemblage for songbirds in Mono Lake Basin riparian habitats
QS Latif, SK Heath, G Ballard
Western North American Naturalist 72 (3), 276–287, 2012
Bird species composition, phenology, nesting substrate, and productivity for the Owens Valley alluvial fan, Eastern Sierra Nevada, California, 1998–2002
SK Heath, G Ballard
Great Basin Birds 6 (1), 18-35, 2003
Does nesting habitat predict hatch synchrony between brood parasitic brown‐headed cowbirds Molothrus ater and two host species?
CM Tonra, MD Johnson, SK Heath, ME Hauber
Ecography 32 (3), 497-503, 2009
Direct estimates of breeding site fidelity and natal philopatry in brood parasitic Brown-headed Cowbirds Molothrus ater
ME Hauber, SK Heath, CM Tonra
Ardea 108 (2), 129-137, 2020
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Articles 1–20