Manuel Nájera De Ferrari
Manuel Nájera De Ferrari
Centro de epidemiologìa y polìticas de salud, CEPS-Universidad del Desarrollo
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Monitoring and evaluating progress towards universal health coverage in Chile
X Aguilera, C Castillo-Laborde, MND Ferrari, I Delgado, C Ibañez
PLoS medicine 11 (9), e1001676, 2014
Health insurance scheme performance and effects on health and health inequalities in Chile
C Castillo-Laborde, X Aguilera-Sanhueza, M Hirmas-Adauy, I Matute, ...
MEDICC review 19, 57-64, 2017
Tuberculosis in prisoners and their contacts in Chile: estimating incidence and latent infection
XP Aguilera, C González, M Nájera-De Ferrari, M Hirmas, I Delgado, ...
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 20 (1), 63-70, 2016
Epidemiologic and virologic assessment of the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic on selected temperate countries in the Southern Hemisphere: Argentina, Australia, Chile, New …
MD . Van Kerkhove, AW Mounts, S Mall, KAH Vandemaele, ...
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 5 (6), e487-e498, 2011
Modeling the spread of tuberculosis in semiclosed communities
M Herrera, P Bosch, X Nájera, Manuel: Aguilera
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2013
Case− control study of risk factors for meningococcal disease in Chile
A Olea, I Matute, C González, I Delgado, L Poffald, E Pedroni, T Alfaro, ...
Emerging Infectious Diseases 23 (7), 1070, 2017
Impact of small-area lockdowns for the control of the COVID-19 pandemic
C Cuadrado, MJ Monsalves, J Gajardo, MP Bertoglia, M Nájera, T Alfaro, ...
MedRxiv, 2020.05. 05.20092106, 2020
Seroprevalence, spatial distribution, and social determinants of SARS-CoV-2 in three urban centers of Chile
P Vial, C González, G Icaza, M Ramirez-Santana, R Quezada-Gaete, ...
BMC infectious diseases 22 (1), 99, 2022
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding hantavirus disease and acceptance of a vaccine trial in rural communities of southern Chile
F Valdivieso, C Gonzalez, M Najera, A Olea, A Cuiza, X Aguilera, G Mertz
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 13 (4), 808-815, 2017
Age as Risk Factor for death from Pandemic (H1N1) 2009, Chile
J Dabanch, C Perret, M Nájera, CL Gonzalez, J Vega
Emerging Infectious Diseases 17 (7), 2011
Evaluation of the effectiveness and equity of the maternity protection reform in Chile from 2000 to 2015
I Delgado, B Cabieses, M Apablaza, C Castillo, X Aguilera, I Matute, ...
PloS one 14 (9), e0221150, 2019
Effectiveness of the second COVID-19 booster against Omicron: a large-scale cohort study in Chile
A Jara, C Cuadrado, EA Undurraga, C García, M Nájera, MP Bertoglia, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 6836, 2023
Modelling cost-effectiveness of syphilis detection strategies in prisoners: exploratory exercise in a Chilean male prison
C Castillo-Laborde, P Gajardo, M Nájera-De Ferrari, I Matute, ...
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 19, 1-9, 2021
Impact of small-area lockdowns for the control of the COVID-19 pandemic. MedRxiv. 2020
C Cuadrado, MJ Monsalves, J Gajardo, MP Bertoglia, M Najera, T Alfaro, ...
Difference in toxicity between HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients with squamous-cell cancer of the anal canal treated with concomitant radio-chemotherapy
C Casadiego-Peña, M Torres-Minacapilli, M Najera, P Ferrer, E Chajon, ...
Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology 11 (1), 23, 2020
Assistive Devices for older adults: a longitudinal study of policy effectiveness, Santiago, Chile, 2014–2016
M Hirmas-Adauy, A Olea, I Matute, I Delgado, X Aguilera, L Poffald, ...
MEDICC review 21, 46-53, 2019
Power and pinch grip assessment in a group of healthy Mexican Young adults
G Ibarra-Mejia, GE Muñoz, M Najera, S Lopez-Jimenez, J Fernandez, ...
Proceedings of the XXIst Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and …, 2009
Effectiveness and duration of a second COVID-19 vaccine booster
A Jara, C Cuadrado, EA Undurraga, C García, M Nájera, MP Bertoglia, ...
medRxiv, 2022.10. 03.22280660, 2022
Clinical features and prognostic factors of meningococcal disease: a case series study in Chile during the 2012-2013 outbreak
I Matute, A Olea, D Lopez, S Loayza, M Nájera, C González, L Poffald, ...
Revista Chilena de Infectologia: Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de …, 2015
Características clínicas y factores pronósticos de la enfermedad meningocóccica: un estudio de serie de casos en Chile durante el brote 2012-2013
I Matute, A Olea, D López, S Loayza, M Nájera, C González, L Poffald, ...
Revista chilena de infectología 32 (5), 505-516, 2015
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Articles 1–20