Wangda Zuo
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Modelica Buildings Library
M Wetter, W Zuo, TS Nouidui, X Pang
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 7 (4), 253-270, 2014
Real-Time or Faster-Than-Real-Time Simulation of Airflow in Building
W Zuo, Q Chen
Indoor air 19 (1), 33-44, 2009
Fast and Informative Flow Simulations in a Building by Using Fast Fluid Dynamics Model on Graphics Processing Unit
W Zuo, Q Chen
Building and Environment 45 (3), 747-757, 2010
Building energy simulation coupled with CFD for indoor environment: A critical review and recent applications
W Tian, X Han, W Zuo, MD Sohn
Energy and Buildings 165, 184-199, 2018
Functional Mock-Up Unit for Co-Simulation Import in EnergyPlus
T Nouidui, M Wetter, W Zuo
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 7 (3), 192-202, 2014
Literature review on modeling and simulation of energy infrastructures from a resilience perspective
J Wang, W Zuo, L Rhode-Barbarigos, X Lu, J Wang, Y Lin
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 183, 360-373, 2019
Amelioration of the Cooling Load Based Chiller Sequencing Control
S Huang, W Zuo, MD Sohn
Applied Energy 168, 204-215, 2016
Predictive deployment of UAV base stations in wireless networks: Machine learning meets contract theory
Q Zhang, W Saad, M Bennis, X Lu, M Debbah, W Zuo
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (1), 637-652, 2020
Improved Cooling Tower Control of Legacy Chiller Plants by Optimizing the Condenser Water Set Point
S Huang, W Zuo, MD Sohn
Building and Environment 111, 33-46, 2017
Simulating Natural Ventilation in and around Buildings by Fast Fluid Dynamics
M Jin, W Zuo, Q Chen
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 64 (4), 273-289, 2013
Coupling Indoor Airflow, HVAC, Control and Building Envelope Heat Transfer in the Modelica Buildings Library
W Zuo, M Wetter, W Tian, D Li, M Jin, Q Chen
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 9 (4), 366-381, 2016
Performance comparison of a heating tower heat pump and an air-source heat pump: A comprehensive modeling and simulation study
S Huang, W Zuo, H Lu, C Liang, X Zhang
Energy conversion and management 180, 1039-1054, 2019
Genetic Algorithm for Building Optimization - State-Of-The-Art Survey
T Li, G Shao, W Zuo, S Huang
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and …, 2015
Modeling of Heat Transfer in Rooms in the Modelica “Buildings” Library
M Wetter, W Zuo, T Nouidui
Proceedings of the 12th Conference of International Building Performance …, 2011
Accurate forecasting of building energy consumption via a novel ensembled deep learning method considering the cyclic feature
G Zhang, C Tian, C Li, JJ Zhang, W Zuo
Energy 201, 117531, 2020
Investigation of HVAC operation strategies for office buildings during COVID-19 pandemic
CA Faulkner, JE Castellini Jr, W Zuo, DM Lorenzetti, MD Sohn
Building and Environment 207, 108519, 2022
Improvements of Fast Fluid Dynamics for Simulating Air Flow in Buildings
M Jin, W Zuo, Q Chen
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 62 (6), 419-438, 2012
Recent Developments of the Modelica “Buildings” Library for Building Energy and Control Systems
M Wetter, W Zuo, TS Nouidui
Proceedings of the 8th International Modelica Conference, Dresden, Germany …, 2011
Simulations of Air Distributions in Buildings by FFD on GPU
W Zuo, Q Chen
HVAC&R Research 16 (6), 785-798, 2010
A comprehensive review of energy-related data for US commercial buildings
Y Ye, W Zuo, G Wang
Energy and Buildings 186, 126-137, 2019
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