Emily Averill Cooper
Emily Averill Cooper
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Optimizing virtual reality for all users through gaze-contingent and adaptive focus displays
N Padmanaban, R Konrad, T Stramer, EA Cooper, G Wetzstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (9), 2183-2188, 2017
Using blur to affect perceived distance and size
RT Held, EA Cooper, JF O’brien, MS Banks
ACM transactions on graphics 29 (2), 2010
Blur and disparity are complementary cues to depth
RT Held, EA Cooper, MS Banks
Current biology 22 (5), 426-431, 2012
Novel optical configurations for virtual reality: Evaluating user preference and performance with focus-tunable and monovision near-eye displays
R Konrad, EA Cooper, G Wetzstein
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2016
Accommodation-invariant computational near-eye displays
R Konrad, N Padmanaban, K Molner, EA Cooper, G Wetzstein
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 36 (4), 1-12, 2017
Stereopsis is adaptive for the natural environment
WW Sprague, EA Cooper, I Tošić, MS Banks
Science advances 1 (4), e1400254, 2015
Assessment of OLED displays for vision research
EA Cooper, H Jiang, V Vildavski, JE Farrell, AM Norcia
Journal of vision 13 (12), 16-16, 2013
An augmented reality sign-reading assistant for users with reduced vision
J Huang, M Kinateder, MJ Dunn, W Jarosz, XD Yang, EA Cooper
PloS one 14 (1), e0210630, 2019
The perceptual basis of common photographic practice
EA Cooper, EA Piazza, MS Banks
Journal of vision 12 (5), 8-8, 2012
Using an augmented reality device as a distance-based vision aid—promise and limitations
M Kinateder, J Gualtieri, MJ Dunn, W Jarosz, XD Yang, EA Cooper
Optometry and Vision Science 95 (9), 727-737, 2018
The natural statistics of blur
WW Sprague, EA Cooper, S Reissier, B Yellapragada, MS Banks
Journal of vision 16 (10), 23-23, 2016
The vertical horopter is not adaptable, but it may be adaptive
EA Cooper, J Burge, MS Banks
Journal of Vision 11 (3), 20-20, 2011
Predicting cortical dark/bright asymmetries from natural image statistics and early visual transforms
EA Cooper, AM Norcia
PLoS computational biology 11 (5), e1004268, 2015
Camera focal length and the perception of pictures
MS Banks, EA Cooper, EA Piazza
Ecological Psychology 26 (1-2), 30-46, 2014
Interpretation-mediated changes in neural activity during language comprehension
EA Cooper, U Hasson, SL Small
NeuroImage 55 (3), 1314-1323, 2011
A perceptual eyebox for near-eye displays
SA Cholewiak, Z Başgöze, O Cakmakci, DM Hoffman, EA Cooper
Optics Express 28 (25), 38008-38028, 2020
Does the Sun revolve around the Earth? A comparison between the general public and online survey respondents in basic scientific knowledge
EA Cooper, H Farid
Public Understanding of Science 25 (2), 146-153, 2016
Assessing neural network scene classification from degraded images
T Tadros, NC Cullen, MR Greene, EA Cooper
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 16 (4), 1-20, 2019
Plasticity and adaptation in adult binocular vision
Z Başgöze, AP Mackey, EA Cooper
Current biology 28 (24), R1406-R1413, 2018
Systematic misperceptions of 3-D motion explained by Bayesian inference
B Rokers, JM Fulvio, JW Pillow, EA Cooper
Journal of vision 18 (3), 23-23, 2018
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