Pascale Desgroux
Pascale Desgroux
Chercheure CNRS, PC2A, Université de Lille
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Study of the formation of soot and its precursors in flames using optical diagnostics
P Desgroux, X Mercier, KA Thomson
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (1), 1713-1738, 2013
A review of terminology used to describe soot formation and evolution under combustion and pyrolytic conditions
HA Michelsen, MB Colket, PE Bengtsson, A D’anna, P Desgroux, ...
ACS nano 14 (10), 12470-12490, 2020
Laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy of aromatic species produced in atmospheric sooting flames using UV and visible excitation wavelengths
S Bejaoui, X Mercier, P Desgroux, E Therssen
Combustion and Flame 161 (10), 2479-2491, 2014
Experimental comparison of soot formation in turbulent flames of diesel and surrogate diesel fuels
R Lemaire, A Faccinetto, E Therssen, M Ziskind, C Focsa, P Desgroux
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (1), 737-744, 2009
Examination of wavelength dependent soot optical properties of diesel and diesel/rapeseed methyl ester mixture by extinction spectra analysis and LII measurements
J Yon, R Lemaire, E Therssen, P Desgroux, A Coppalle, KF Ren
Applied Physics B 104, 253-271, 2011
Effect of ethanol addition in gasoline and gasoline–surrogate on soot formation in turbulent spray flames
R Lemaire, E Therssen, P Desgroux
Fuel 89 (12), 3952-3959, 2010
NO prediction in natural gas flames using GDF-Kin® 3.0 mechanism NCN and HCN contribution to prompt-NO formation
L Pillier, P Desgroux, B Lefort, L Gasnot, JF Pauwels, I Da Costa
Fuel 85 (7-8), 896-909, 2006
Modeling of NO formation in low pressure premixed flames
N Lamoureux, H El Merhubi, L Pillier, S De Persis, P Desgroux
Combustion and Flame 163, 557-575, 2016
Experimental and numerical study of the role of NCN in prompt-NO formation in low-pressure CH4–O2–N2 and C2H2–O2–N2 flames
N Lamoureux, P Desgroux, A El Bakali, JF Pauwels
Combustion and Flame 157 (10), 1929-1941, 2010
Two-color laser-induced incandescence and cavity ring-down spectroscopy for sensitive and quantitative imaging of soot and PAHs in flames
C Schoemaecker Moreau, E Therssen, X Mercier, JF Pauwels, ...
Applied Physics B 78, 485-492, 2004
Comparative study of the soot formation process in a “nucleation” and a “sooting” low pressure premixed methane flame
P Desgroux, A Faccinetto, X Mercier, T Mouton, DA Karkar, A El Bakali
Combustion and Flame 184, 153-166, 2017
High-sensitivity detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons adsorbed onto soot particles using laser desorption/laser ionization/time-of-flight mass spectrometry: An …
A Faccinetto, P Desgroux, M Ziskind, E Therssen, C Focsa
Combustion and Flame 158 (2), 227-239, 2011
Experimental and modeling study of the oxidation of natural gas in a premixed flame, shock tube, and jet-stirred reactor
A El Bakali, P Dagaut, L Pillier, P Desgroux, JF Pauwels, A Rida, ...
Combustion and flame 137 (1-2), 109-128, 2004
Instantaneous temperature measurement in a rapid-compression machine using laser Rayleigh scattering
P Desgroux, L Gasnot, LR Sochet
Applied Physics B 61, 69-72, 1995
Probing the smallest soot particles in low-sooting premixed flames using laser-induced incandescence
H Bladh, NE Olofsson, T Mouton, J Simonsson, X Mercier, A Faccinetto, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 1843-1850, 2015
Soot volume fraction measurement in low-pressure methane flames by combining laser-induced incandescence and cavity ring-down spectroscopy: Effect of pressure on soot formation
P Desgroux, X Mercier, B Lefort, R Lemaire, E Therssen, JF Pauwels
Combustion and Flame 155 (1-2), 289-301, 2008
Ignition of methane-and n-butane-containing mixtures at high pressures by pulsed nanosecond discharge
MA Boumehdi, SA Stepanyan, P Desgroux, G Vanhove, SM Starikovskaia
Combustion and Flame 162 (4), 1336-1349, 2015
Determination of the ratio of soot refractive index function E(m) at the two wavelengths 532 and 1064 nm by laser induced incandescence
E Therssen, Y Bouvier, C Schoemaecker-Moreau, X Mercier, P Desgroux, ...
Applied Physics B 89, 417-427, 2007
Soot particles inception and PAH condensation modelling applied in a soot model utilizing a sectional method
D Aubagnac-Karkar, A El Bakali, P Desgroux
Combustion and Flame 189, 190-206, 2018
Investigation of the size of the incandescent incipient soot particles in premixed sooting and nucleation flames of n-butane using LII, HIM, and 1 nm-SMPS
C Betrancourt, F Liu, P Desgroux, X Mercier, A Faccinetto, M Salamanca, ...
Aerosol Science and Technology 51 (8), 916-935, 2017
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Articles 1–20