Frédéric Herman
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Cited by
Geological and climatic influences on mountain biodiversity
A Antonelli, WD Kissling, SGA Flantua, MA Bermúdez, A Mulch, ...
Nature Geoscience 11 (10), 718-725, 2018
Worldwide acceleration of mountain erosion under a cooling climate
F Herman, D Seward, PG Valla, A Carter, B Kohn, SD Willett, TE Ehlers
Nature 504 (7480), 423, 2013
Exhumation, crustal deformation, and thermal structure of the Nepal Himalaya derived from the inversion of thermochronological and thermobarometric data and modeling of the …
F Herman, P Copeland, JP Avouac, L Bollinger, G Mahéo, P Le Fort, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B6), 2010
Quantifying rates of landscape evolution and tectonic processes by thermochronology and numerical modeling of crustal heat transport using PECUBE
J Braun, P der Beek, P Valla, X Robert, F Herman, C Glotzbach, ...
Tectonophysics, 2012
Erosion by an Alpine glacier
F Herman, O Beyssac, M Brughelli, SN Lane, S Leprince, T Adatte, ...
Science 350 (6257), 193-195, 2015
Coupled numerical–analytical approach to landscape evolution modeling
L Goren, SD Willett, F Herman, J Braun
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39 (4), 522-545, 2014
Tectonics, climate, and mountain topography
JD Champagnac, P Molnar, C Sue, F Herman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B2), 2012
Glacial hydrology and erosion patterns: a mechanism for carving glacial valleys
F Herman, F Beaud, JD Champagnac, JM Lemieux, P Sternai
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 310 (3-4), 498-508, 2011
River drainage patterns in the New Zealand Alps primarily controlled by plate tectonic strain
S Castelltort, L Goren, SD Willett, JD Champagnac, F Herman, J Braun
Nature Geoscience 5 (10), 744-748, 2012
The Kumaun and Garwhal lesser Himalaya, India: part 2. Thermal and deformation histories
J Célérier, TM Harrison, O Beyssac, F Herman, WJ Dunlap, AAG Webb
Geological Society of America Bulletin 121 (9-10), 1281-1297, 2009
Uniform erosion rates and relief amplitude during glacial cycles in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, as revealed from OSL-thermochronology
F Herman, EJ Rhodes, J Braun, L Heiniger
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 297 (1-2), 183-189, 2010
Mountain glacier velocity variation during a retreat/advance cycle quantified using sub-pixel analysis of ASTER images
F Herman, B Anderson, S Leprince
Journal of Glaciology 57 (202), 197-207, 2011
Northward migration of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis revealed by OSL thermochronometry
GE King, F Herman, B Guralnik
Science 353 (6301), 800-804, 2016
Bimodal Plio–Quaternary glacial erosion of fjords and low-relief surfaces in Scandinavia
P Steer, RS Huismans, PG Valla, S Gac, F Herman
Nature Geoscience 5 (9), 635-639, 2012
Spatial and temporal pattern of erosion in the Three Rivers Region, southeastern Tibet
R Yang, MG Fellin, F Herman, SD Willett, W Wang, C Maden
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 433, 10-20, 2016
Rapid exhumation in the Western Alps driven by slab detachment and glacial erosion
M Fox, F Herman, E Kissling, SD Willett
Geology 43 (5), 379-382, 2015
Evolution of the glacial landscape of the Southern Alps of New Zealand: Insights from a glacial erosion model
F Herman, J Braun
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 113 (F2), 2008
Plio-Pleistocene increase of erosion rates in mountain belts in response to climate change
F Herman, JD Champagnac
Terra Nova, 10.1111/ter.12186, 2016
Inversion of thermochronological age-elevation profiles to extract independent estimates of denudation and relief history—I: Theory and conceptual model
PG Valla, F Herman, PA van Der Beek, J Braun
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 295 (3-4), 511-522, 2010
Radiation-induced growth and isothermal decay of infrared-stimulated luminescence from feldspar
B Guralnik, B Li, M Jain, R Chen, RB Paris, AS Murray, SH Li, V Pagonis, ...
Radiation Measurements 81, 224-231, 2015
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Articles 1–20