Swapna Kumar
Cited by
Cited by
Award-winning faculty online teaching practices: Course design, assessment and evaluation, and facilitation
F Martin, A Ritzhaupt, S Kumar, K Budhrani
The Internet and Higher Education 42, 34-43, 2019
Award-winning faculty online teaching practices: Roles and competencies.
F Martin, K Budhrani, S Kumar, A Ritzhaupt
Online Learning 23 (1), 184-205, 2019
The net generation as preservice teachers: Transferring familiarity with new technologies to educational environments
S Kumar, K Vigil
Journal of digital learning in teacher education 27 (4), 144-153, 2011
Knowledge and skills needed by instructional designers in higher education
AD Ritzhaupt, S Kumar
Performance Improvement Quarterly 28 (3), 51-69, 2015
Digital didactical designs: Teachers’ integration of iPads for learning-centered processes
I Jahnke, S Kumar
Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education 30 (3), 81-88, 2014
The Maker Movement. Implications of new digital gadgets, fabrication tools and spaces for creative learning and teaching
S Schön, M Ebner, S Kumar
elearning papers 39, 2014
Award-winning faculty online teaching practices: Elements of award-winning courses.
S Kumar, F Martin, K Budhrani, A Ritzhaupt
Online learning 23 (4), 160-180, 2019
Digital Didactical Designs as research framework: iPad integration in Nordic schools
I Jahnke, P Bergström, E Mårell-Olsson, L Häll, S Kumar
Computers & Education 113, 1-15, 2017
Mentoring and student support in online doctoral programs
S Kumar, C Coe
American Journal of Distance Education 31 (2), 128-142, 2017
Dissertations at a distance: Students’ perceptions of online mentoring in a doctoral program
S Kumar, M Johnson, T Hardemon
Journal of Distance Education 27 (1), 1-11, 2013
Applying the community of inquiry framework to an online professional practice doctoral program
S Kumar, K Dawson, EW Black, C Cavanaugh, CD Sessums
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 12 (6 …, 2011
What do instructional designers in higher education really do?
S Kumar, A Ritzhaupt
International Journal on E-Learning 16 (4), 371-393, 2017
Undergraduate perceptions of the usefulness of Web 2.0 in higher education: Survey development
S Kumar
Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Learning, 308-314, 2009
Mentoring doctoral students online: Mentor strategies and challenges
S Kumar, M Johnson
Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 25 (2), 202-222, 2017
Institutional Support for Online Teaching in Quality Assurance Frameworks.
NS Pedro, S Kumar
Online Learning 24 (3), 50-66, 2020
Mentoring graduate students online: Strategies and challenges
R Pollard, S Kumar
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 22 (2 …, 2021
Online mentoring of dissertations: The role of structure and support
S Kumar, M Johnson
Studies in Higher Education 44 (1), 59-71, 2019
Online collaborative mentoring for technology integration in pre-service teacher education
H Dorner, S Kumar
TechTrends 60, 48-55, 2016
Connecting practice, theory and method: Supporting professional doctoral students in developing conceptual frameworks
S Kumar, P Antonenko
TechTrends 58 (4), 54-61, 2014
Assessing the value of embedded librarians in an online graduate educational technology course
M Edwards, S Kumar, M Ochoa
Public Services Quarterly 6 (2-3), 271-291, 2010
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Articles 1–20