Facility layout and location: an analytical approach RL Francis, LF McGinnis, JA White Pearson College Division, 1992 | 2619* | 1992 |
Discrete location theory RL Francis, PB Mirchandani Wiley, 1990 | 1677* | 1990 |
Discrete location theory PB Mirchandani, RL Francis | 1675 | 1990 |
State of the art—location on networks: a survey. Part I: the p-center and p-median problems BC Tansel, RL Francis, TJ Lowe Management Science 29 (4), 482-497, 1983 | 685* | 1983 |
Network models for building evacuation LG Chalmet, RL Francis, PB Saunders Fire Technology 18 (1), 90-113, 1982 | 459 | 1982 |
Locational analysis RL Francis, LF McGinnis, JA White European Journal of Operational Research 12 (3), 220-252, 1983 | 345 | 1983 |
EVACNET+: a computer program to determine optimal building evacuation plans TM Kisko, RL Francis Fire Safety Journal 9 (2), 211-220, 1985 | 290 | 1985 |
Evacnet4 user’s guide TM Kisko, RL Francis, CR Nobel University of Florida, 1998 | 182* | 1998 |
State of the art—location on networks: a survey. Part II: exploiting tree network structure BC Tansel, RL Francis, TJ Lowe Management Science 29 (4), 498-511, 1983 | 176 | 1983 |
Technical Note—Location Theory: A Selective Bibliography RL Francis, JM Goldstein Operations Research 22 (2), 400-410, 1974 | 172 | 1974 |
Convex location problems on tree networks PM Dearing, RL Francis, TJ Lowe Operations Research 24 (4), 628-642, 1976 | 159 | 1976 |
Aggregation error for location models: survey and analysis RL Francis, TJ Lowe, MB Rayco, A Tamir Annals of Operations Research 167 (1), 171-208, 2009 | 153 | 2009 |
A Florida county locates disaster recovery centers J Dekle, MS Lavieri, E Martin, H Emir-Farinas, RL Francis Interfaces 35 (2), 133-139, 2005 | 148 | 2005 |
A network flow solution to a rectilinear distance facility location problem AV Cabot, RL Francis, MA Stary AIIE Transactions 2 (2), 132-141, 1970 | 147 | 1970 |
Solving certain nonconvex quadratic minimization problems by ranking the extreme points AV Cabot, RL Francis Operations Research 18 (1), 82-86, 1970 | 140 | 1970 |
On some problems of rectangular warehouse design and layout RL Francis Journal of Industrial Engineering 18 (10), 595-&, 1967 | 120 | 1967 |
A minimax location problem on a network PM Dearing, RL Francis Transportation Science 8 (4), 333-343, 1974 | 116 | 1974 |
Properties of a multifacility location problem involving euclidian distances RL Francis, AV Cabot Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 19 (2), 335-353, 1972 | 112 | 1972 |
A note on the optimum location of new machines in existing plant layouts RL Francis J. Indust. Engrg 14, 57-59, 1963 | 105 | 1963 |
Letter to the Editor—Some Aspects of a Minimax Location Problem RL Francis Operations Research 15 (6), 1163-1169, 1967 | 104 | 1967 |