Exceptional paper—location of bank accounts to optimize float: An analytic study of exact and approximate algorithms G Cornuejols, ML Fisher, GL Nemhauser Management science 23 (8), 789-810, 1977 | 1309 | 1977 |
An algorithmic framework for convex mixed integer nonlinear programs P Bonami, LT Biegler, AR Conn, G Cornuéjols, IE Grossmann, CD Laird, ... Discrete optimization 5 (2), 186-204, 2008 | 1161 | 2008 |
Integer programming models M Conforti, G Cornuéjols, G Zambelli, M Conforti, G Cornuéjols, ... Integer Programming, 45-84, 2014 | 1148 | 2014 |
A lift-and-project cutting plane algorithm for mixed 0–1 programs E Balas, S Ceria, G Cornuéjols Mathematical programming 58 (1), 295-324, 1993 | 1087 | 1993 |
The uncapicitated facility location problem G Cornuéjols, G Nemhauser, L Wolsey Cornell University Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, 1983 | 941 | 1983 |
Optimization methods in finance G Cornuejols, J Peña, R Tütüncü Cambridge University Press, 2018 | 761 | 2018 |
Submodular set functions, matroids and the greedy algorithm: tight worst-case bounds and some generalizations of the Rado-Edmonds theorem M Conforti, G Cornuéjols Discrete applied mathematics 7 (3), 251-274, 1984 | 458 | 1984 |
Recognizing berge graphs M Chudnovsky*, G Cornuéjols**, X Liu, P Seymour, K Vušković Combinatorica 25 (2), 143-186, 2005 | 439 | 2005 |
A comparison of heuristics and relaxations for the capacitated plant location problem G Cornuéjols, R Sridharan, JM Thizy European journal of operational research 50 (3), 280-297, 1991 | 410 | 1991 |
Mixed 0-1 programming by lift-and-project in a branch-and-cut framework E Balas, S Ceria, G Cornuéjols Management Science 42 (9), 1229-1246, 1996 | 408 | 1996 |
Gomory cuts revisited E Balas, S Ceria, G Cornuéjols, N Natraj Operations Research Letters 19 (1), 1-9, 1996 | 394 | 1996 |
The traveling salesman problem on a graph and some related integer polyhedra G Cornuéjols, J Fonlupt, D Naddef Mathematical programming 33 (1), 1-27, 1985 | 389 | 1985 |
Valid inequalities for mixed integer linear programs G Cornuéjols Mathematical programming 112 (1), 3-44, 2008 | 350 | 2008 |
Combinatorial optimization: Packing and covering G Cornuéjols Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2001 | 310 | 2001 |
On the uncapacitated location problem G Cornuejols, M Fisher, GL Nemhauser Annals of Discrete Mathematics 1, 163-177, 1977 | 199 | 1977 |
A feasibility pump for mixed integer nonlinear programs P Bonami, G Cornuéjols, A Lodi, F Margot Mathematical Programming 119 (2), 331-352, 2009 | 186 | 2009 |
Polyhedral study of the capacitated vehicle routing problem G Cornuejols, F Harche Mathematical Programming 60 (1), 21-52, 1993 | 186 | 1993 |
Halin graphs and the travelling salesman problem G Cornuéjols, D Naddef, WR Pulleyblank Mathematical programming 26 (3), 287-294, 1983 | 159 | 1983 |
Extended formulations in combinatorial optimization M Conforti, G Cornuéjols, G Zambelli 4OR 8 (1), 1-48, 2010 | 139 | 2010 |
General factors of graphs G Cornuéjols Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 45 (2), 185-198, 1988 | 137 | 1988 |