Richard J. Binney
Richard J. Binney
Reader in Cognitive Neuroscience, Bangor University
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The ventral and inferolateral aspects of the anterior temporal lobe are crucial in semantic memory: evidence from a novel direct comparison of distortion-corrected fMRI, rTMS …
RJ Binney, KV Embleton, E Jefferies, GJM Parker, MA Lambon Ralph
Cerebral cortex 20 (11), 2728-2738, 2010
Convergent connectivity and graded specialization in the rostral human temporal lobe as revealed by diffusion-weighted imaging probabilistic tractography
RJ Binney, GJM Parker, MA Lambon Ralph
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 24 (10), 1998-2014, 2012
Differing contributions of inferior prefrontal and anterior temporal cortex to concrete and abstract conceptual knowledge
P Hoffman, RJ Binney, MAL Ralph
cortex 63, 250-266, 2015
The variation of function across the human insula mirrors its patterns of structural connectivity: evidence from in vivo probabilistic tractography
LL Cloutman, RJ Binney, M Drakesmith, GJM Parker, MAL Ralph
Neuroimage 59 (4), 3514-3521, 2012
Establishing task-and modality-dependent dissociations between the semantic and default mode networks
GF Humphreys, P Hoffman, M Visser, RJ Binney, MA Lambon Ralph
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (25), 7857-7862, 2015
Frontal white matter tracts sustaining speech production in primary progressive aphasia
ML Mandelli, E Caverzasi, RJ Binney, ML Henry, I Lobach, N Block, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (29), 9754-9767, 2014
Healthy brain connectivity predicts atrophy progression in non-fluent variant of primary progressive aphasia
ML Mandelli, E Vilaplana, JA Brown, HI Hubbard, RJ Binney, S Attygalle, ...
Brain 139 (10), 2778-2791, 2016
The structural connectivity of higher order association cortices reflects human functional brain networks
JY Jung, LL Cloutman, RJ Binney, MAL Ralph
cortex 97, 221-239, 2017
Features of patients with nonfluent/agrammatic primary progressive aphasia with underlying progressive supranuclear palsy pathology or corticobasal degeneration
MA Santos-Santos, ML Mandelli, RJ Binney, J Ogar, SM Wilson, ...
JAMA neurology 73 (6), 733-742, 2016
Mapping the multiple graded contributions of the anterior temporal lobe representational hub to abstract and social concepts: evidence from distortion-corrected fMRI
RJ Binney, P Hoffman, MA Lambon Ralph
Cerebral cortex 26 (11), 4227-4241, 2016
Progression of brain atrophy in PSP and CBS over 6 months and 1 year
S Dutt, RJ Binney, HW Heuer, P Luong, S Attygalle, P Bhatt, GA Marx, ...
Neurology 87 (19), 2016-2025, 2016
Social Semantics: The role of conceptual knowledge and cognitive control in a neurobiological model of the social brain
RJ Binney, R Ramsey
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 112, 28-38, 2020
“Looks familiar, but I do not know who she is”: The role of the anterior right temporal lobe in famous face recognition
V Borghesani, J Narvid, G Battistella, W Shwe, C Watson, RJ Binney, ...
Cortex 115, 72-85, 2019
Reading words and other people: A comparison of exception word, familiar face and affect processing in the left and right temporal variants of primary progressive aphasia
RJ Binney, ML Henry, M Babiak, PS Pressman, MA Santos-Santos, ...
Cortex 82, 147-163, 2016
Concrete versus abstract forms of social concept: an fMRI comparison of knowledge about people versus social terms
GE Rice, P Hoffman, RJ Binney, MA Lambon Ralph
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 …, 2018
The anterior temporal lobes support residual comprehension in Wernicke’s aphasia
H Robson, R Zahn, JL Keidel, RJ Binney, K Sage, MA Lambon Ralph
Brain 137 (3), 931-943, 2014
Using a combination of fMRI and anterior temporal lobe rTMS to measure intrinsic and induced activation changes across the semantic cognition network
RJ Binney, MAL Ralph
Neuropsychologia 76, 170-181, 2015
Quantifying social semantics: An inclusive definition of socialness and ratings for 8388 English words
V Diveica, PM Pexman, RJ Binney
Behavior Research Methods 55 (2), 461-473, 2023
Establishing a role of the semantic control network in social cognitive processing: A meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies
V Diveica, K Koldewyn, RJ Binney
NeuroImage 245, 118702, 2021
Advancing functional dysconnectivity and atrophy in progressive supranuclear palsy
JA Brown, AY Hua, A Trujillo, S Attygalle, RJ Binney, S Spina, SE Lee, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 16, 564-574, 2017
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