David Andres Herrera Ramirez
David Andres Herrera Ramirez
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Cited by
Effects on nutrient cycling of conifer restoration in a degraded tropical montane forest
JA Ramírez, JD León-Peláez, D Craven, DA Herrera, CM Zapata, ...
Plant and Soil 378, 215-226, 2014
Starch and lipid storage strategies in tropical trees relate to growth and mortality
D Herrera‐Ramírez, CA Sierra, C Römermann, J Muhr, S Trumbore, ...
New Phytologist 230 (1), 139-154, 2021
Probability distributions of nonstructural carbon ages and transit times provide insights into carbon allocation dynamics of mature trees
D Herrera‐Ramirez, J Muhr, H Hartmann, C Römermann, S Trumbore, ...
New Phytologist 226 (5), 1299-1311, 2020
Matching dendrochronological dates with the Southern Hemisphere 14C bomb curve to confirm annual tree rings in Pseudolmedia rigida from Bolivia
L Andreu-Hayles, GM Santos, DA Herrera-Ramírez, J Martin-Fernández, ...
Radiocarbon 57 (1), 1-13, 2015
Reconstrucción de los niveles del río Atrato con anillos de crecimiento de Prioria copaifera
DAH Ramírez, JI Del Valle Arango
DYNA: revista de la Facultad de Minas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia …, 2011
Nonannual tree rings in a climate‐sensitive Prioria copaifera chronology in the Atrato River, Colombia
D Herrera‐Ramirez, L Andreu‐Hayles, JI Del Valle, GM Santos, ...
Ecology and Evolution 7 (16), 6334-6345, 2017
Low-cost chamber design for simultaneous CO2 and O2 flux measurements between tree stems and the atmosphere
J Helm, H Hartmann, M Göbel, B Hilman, D Herrera Ramírez, J Muhr
Tree physiology 41 (9), 1767-1780, 2021
Ideas and perspectives: Allocation of carbon from net primary production in models is inconsistent with observations of the age of respired carbon
CA Sierra, V Ceballos-Núñez, H Hartmann, D Herrera-Ramírez, H Metzler
Biogeosciences 19 (16), 3727-3738, 2022
Experiencias dendroclimáticas con árboles de ecosistemas contrastantes de Colombia
JI del Valle, JA Ramirez, DA Herrera
Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía 21 (2), 117-126, 2012
Stochastic and deterministic interpretation of pool models
M Azizi‐Rad, I Chanca, D Herrera‐Ramírez, H Metzler, CA Sierra
Global Change Biology 27 (11), 2271-2272, 2021
Evaluation of nutritional requirements in nurseries for certain species used in urban forestry
DA Herrera Ramírez, JD León Peláez, M Ruiz Rendón, NW Osorio Vega, ...
Revista EIA, 41-54, 2014
Carbon dynamics in long-term starving poplar trees—the importance of older carbohydrates and a shift to lipids during survival
J Helm, J Muhr, B Hilman, A Kahmen, ED Schulze, S Trumbore, ...
Tree Physiology, tpad135, 2023
Anatomical distribution of starch in the stemwood influences carbon dynamics and suggests storage‐growth trade‐offs in some tropical trees
D Herrera‐Ramírez, H Hartmann, C Römermann, S Trumbore, J Muhr, ...
Journal of Ecology 111 (11), 2532-2548, 2023
Non-structural carbohydrate concentrations in tree organs vary across biomes and leaf habits, but are independent of the fast-slow plant economic spectrum
JA Ramirez, D Craven, D Herrera, JM Posada, B Reu, CA Sierra, G Hoch, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 15, 1375958, 2024
The mobilization and transport of newly fixed carbon are driven by plant water use in an experimental rainforest under drought
J Huang, SN Ladd, J Ingrisch, A Kübert, LK Meredith, J van Haren, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 75 (8), 2545-2557, 2024
Insights into growth, ring formation and maximum ages of Brazil nut trees (Bertholletia excelsa) using 14C dating and tree-ring analysis
VLC Andrade, CR Clement, D Herrera-Ramírez, T Larsen, F Durgante, ...
Radiocarbon 66 (2), 306-325, 2024
Jorge Andres Ramirez1, 2, Dylan Craven3, 4, David Herrera5, Juan Manuel Posada6, Bjorn Reu7, Carlos A. Sierra8, Guenter Hoch9, Ira Tanya Handa2 and Christian Messier2, 10
JA Ramirez, D Craven, D Herrera, JM Posada, B Reu, CA Sierra, G Hoch, ...
Starch Seasonality and Storage-Growth Trade-Offs in Tropical Trees from a Seasonally Dry Forest in Brazil.
D Herrera, C Römermann, H Hartmann, S Trumbore, J Muhr, PM Brando, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, B53D-08, 2022
Allocation of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems and the age of respired CO2
CA Sierra, V Ceballos-Núñez, H Hartmann, D Herrera, H Metzler
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, B55A-02, 2022
Nonstructural carbon age and lateral mixing in the stem wood of tropical trees
D Herrera, C Römermann, H Hartmann, S Trumbore, J Muhr, P Brando, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-6539, 2022
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Articles 1–20