Matthew  S. Eastin
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Cited by
Internet self-efficacy and the psychology of the digital divide
MS Eastin, R LaRose
Journal of computer-mediated communication 6 (1), JCMC611, 2000
A social cognitive theory of Internet uses and gratifications: Toward a new model of media attendance
R LaRose, MS Eastin
Journal of broadcasting & electronic media 48 (3), 358-377, 2004
Exploring consumer motivations for creating user-generated content
T Daugherty, MS Eastin, L Bright
Journal of interactive advertising 8 (2), 16-25, 2008
Unregulated Internet usage: Addiction, habit, or deficient self-regulation?
R LaRose, CA Lin, MS Eastin
Media psychology 5 (3), 225-253, 2003
Understanding Internet usage: A social-cognitive approach to uses and gratifications
R LaRose, D Mastro, MS Eastin
Social science computer review 19 (4), 395-413, 2001
Internet gratifications and Internet addiction: On the uses and abuses of new media
I Song, R Larose, MS Eastin, CA Lin
Cyberpsychology & behavior 7 (4), 384-394, 2004
Diffusion of e-commerce: an analysis of the adoption of four e-commerce activities
MS Eastin
Telematics and informatics 19 (3), 251-267, 2002
Portrayals of overweight and obese individuals on commercial television
BS Greenberg, M Eastin, L Hofschire, K Lachlan, KD Brownell
American journal of public health 93 (8), 1342-1348, 2003
Credibility assessments of online health information: The effects of source expertise and knowledge of content
MS Eastin
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 6 (4), JCMC643, 2001
Parenting the internet
MS Eastin, BS Greenberg, L Hofschire
Journal of communication 56 (3), 486-504, 2006
Reformulating the Internet paradox
R LaRose, M Eastin, J Gregg, R LaRose, MS Eastin, J Gregg
Journal of online behavior 1 (2), 2001
Wearable fitness technology: A structural investigation into acceptance and perceived fitness outcomes
A Lunney, NR Cunningham, MS Eastin
Computers in Human Behavior 65, 114-120, 2016
Hedonic tendencies and the online consumer: An investigation of the online shopping process
S Kim, MS Eastin
Journal of Internet Commerce 10 (1), 68-90, 2011
Is online buying out of control? Electronic commerce and consumer self-regulation
R LaRose, MS Eastin
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 46 (4), 549-564, 2002
Video game violence and the female game player: Self-and opponent gender effects on presence and aggressive thoughts
MS Eastin
Human Communication Research 32 (3), 351-372, 2006
Why are consumers following social media influencers on Instagram? Exploration of consumers’ motives for following influencers and the role of materialism
JA Lee, S Sudarshan, KL Sussman, LF Bright, MS Eastin
International Journal of Advertising 41 (1), 78-100, 2022
Perceived authenticity of social media influencers: scale development and validation
JA Lee, MS Eastin
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 15 (4), 822-841, 2021
Television's role in the culture of violence toward women: A study of television viewing and the cultivation of rape myth acceptance in the United States
LA Kahlor, MS Eastin
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 55 (2), 215-231, 2011
Worried and wired: effects of health anxiety on information-seeking and health care utilization behaviors
MS Eastin, NM Guinsler
CyberPsychology & Behavior 9 (4), 494-498, 2006
Alt. support: Modeling social support online
MS Eastin, R LaRose
Computers in Human behavior 21 (6), 977-992, 2005
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Articles 1–20