Melanie Prague
Melanie Prague
Faculty Researchor - Inria, Inserm Bordeaux Population Health U1219, ISPED, Université Bordeaux
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Cited by
Reviews of evidence regarding interventions to reduce tobacco use and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
DP Hopkins, PA Briss, CJ Ricard, CG Husten, VG Carande-Kulis, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 20 (2), 16-66, 2001
Universal test and treat and the HIV epidemic in rural South Africa: a phase 4, open-label, community cluster randomised trial
CC Iwuji, J Orne-Gliemann, J Larmarange, E Balestre, R Thiebaut, ...
The lancet HIV 5 (3), e116-e125, 2018
Review of recent methodological developments in group-randomized trials: part 1—design
EL Turner, F Li, JA Gallis, M Prague, DM Murray
American journal of public health 107 (6), 907-915, 2017
Acute versus chronic partial sleep deprivation in middle-aged people: differential effect on performance and sleepiness
P Philip, P Sagaspe, M Prague, P Tassi, A Capelli, B Bioulac, ...
Sleep 35 (7), 997-1002, 2012
Point-of-care Cepheid Xpert HIV-1 viral load test in rural African communities is feasible and reliable
S Moyo, T Mohammed, KE Wirth, M Prague, K Bennett, MP Holme, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 54 (12), 3050-3055, 2016
Machine learning and mechanistic modeling for prediction of metastatic relapse in early-stage breast cancer
C Nicolò, C Périer, M Prague, C Bellera, G MacGrogan, O Saut, ...
JCO clinical cancer informatics 4, 259-274, 2020
NIMROD: A program for inference via a normal approximation of the posterior in models with random effects based on ordinary differential equations
M Prague, D Commenges, J Guedj, J Drylewicz, R Thiébaut
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 111 (2), 447-458, 2013
Multi-level modeling of early COVID-19 epidemic dynamics in French regions and estimation of the lockdown impact on infection rate
M Prague, L Wittkop, A Collin, D Dutartre, Q Clairon, P Moireau, ...
MedRxiv, 2020.04. 21.20073536, 2020
Dynamics of the humoral immune response to a prime-boost Ebola vaccine: quantification and sources of variation
C Pasin, I Balelli, T Van Effelterre, V Bockstal, L Solforosi, M Prague, ...
Journal of virology 93 (18), 10.1128/jvi. 00579-19, 2019
Treatment monitoring of HIV-infected patients based on mechanistic models
M Prague, D Commenges, J Drylewicz, R Thiébaut
Biometrics 68 (3), 902-911, 2012
Targeting SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain to cells expressing CD40 improves protection to infection in convalescent macaques
R Marlin, V Godot, S Cardinaud, M Galhaut, S Coleon, S Zurawski, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 5215, 2021
Quantifying and Predicting the Effect of Exogenous Interleukin-7 on CD4+T Cells in HIV-1 Infection
R Thiebaut, J Drylewicz, M Prague, C Lacabaratz, S Beq, A Jarne, ...
PLoS computational biology 10 (5), e1003630, 2014
Accounting for interactions and complex inter-subject dependency in estimating treatment effect in cluster-randomized trials with missing outcomes
M Prague, R Wang, A Stephens, E Tchetgen Tchetgen, V DeGruttola
Biometrics 72 (4), 1066-1077, 2016
SAMBA: A novel method for fast automatic model building in nonlinear mixed‐effects models
M Prague, M Lavielle
CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology 11 (2), 161-172, 2022
Dynamical models of biomarkers and clinical progression for personalized medicine: The HIV context
M Prague, D Commenges, R Thiébaut
Advanced drug delivery reviews 65 (7), 954-965, 2013
Epidemioptim: A toolbox for the optimization of control policies in epidemiological models
C Colas, B Hejblum, S Rouillon, R Thiébaut, PY Oudeyer, C Moulin-Frier, ...
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 71, 479-519, 2021
A model for establishment, maintenance and reactivation of the immune response after vaccination against Ebola virus
I Balelli, C Pasin, M Prague, F Crauste, T Van Effelterre, V Bockstal, ...
Journal of theoretical biology 495, 110254, 2020
Design, immunogenicity, and efficacy of a pan-sarbecovirus dendritic-cell targeting vaccine
S Coléon, A Wiedemann, M Surénaud, C Lacabaratz, S Hue, M Prague, ...
EBioMedicine 80, 2022
Superior efficacy of a human immunodeficiency virus vaccine combined with antiretroviral prevention in simian-human immunodeficiency virus-challenged nonhuman primates
R Le Grand, N Dereuddre-Bosquet, S Dispinseri, L Gosse, D Desjardins, ...
Journal of Virology 90 (11), 5315-5328, 2016
Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions, weather, vaccination, and variants on COVID-19 transmission across departments in France
J Paireau, ML Charpignon, S Larrieu, C Calba, N Hozé, PY Boëlle, ...
BMC infectious diseases 23 (1), 190, 2023
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Articles 1–20