Paul L. E. Grieco
Paul L. E. Grieco
Professor of Economics, Pennsylvania State University
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Wal-Mart and the Geography of Grocery Retailing
P Ellickson, PLE Grieco
Journal of Urban Economics 75, 1-14, 2011
The payoff to America from globalisation
SC Bradford, PLE Grieco, GC Hufbauer
The World Economy 29 (7), 893-916, 2006
Discrete games with flexible information structures: An application to local grocery markets
PLE Grieco
The RAND Journal of Economics 45 (2), 303-340, 2014
The influence of hidden researcher decisions in applied microeconomics
N Huntington‐Klein, A Arenas, E Beam, M Bertoni, JR Bloem, P Burli, ...
Economic Inquiry 59 (3), 944-960, 2021
Productivity and quality in health care: Evidence from the dialysis industry
PLE Grieco, RC McDevitt
The Review of Economic Studies 84 (3), 1071-1105, 2016
What drives home market advantage?
AK Coşar, PLE Grieco, S Li, F Tintelnot
Journal of International Economics 110, 135-150, 2018
Production function estimation with unobserved input price dispersion
P Grieco, S Li, H Zhang
International Economic Review 57 (2), 665-690, 2016
Mobility and Mortgages: Evidence from the PSID
NE Coulson, PLE Grieco
Regional Science and Urban Economics 43 (1), 1-7, 2012
Who Pays for Switching Costs?
G Arie, PLE Grieco
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 12 (4), 379-419, 2014
Measuring Competition in Spatial Retail
PB Ellickson, PLE Grieco, O Khvastunov
RAND Journal of Economics 51 (1), 189-232, 2020
The evolution of market power in the us automobile industry
PLE Grieco, C Murry, A Yurukoglu
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 139 (2), 1201-1253, 2024
Strategic patient discharge: The case of long-term care hospitals
PJ Eliason, PLE Grieco, RC McDevitt, JW Roberts
American Economic Review 108 (11), 3232-3265, 2018
Brewed in North America: Mergers, marginal costs, and efficiency
P Grieco, J Pinkse, M Slade
International Journal of Industrial Organization 59, 24-65, 2018
Borders, Geography, and Oligopoly: Evidence from the Wind Turbine Industry
AK Cosar, PLE Grieco, F Tintelnot
Review of Economics and Statistics 97 (3), 623-637, 2015
Input prices, productivity, and trade dynamics: long‐run effects of liberalization on Chinese paint manufacturers
PLE Grieco, S Li, H Zhang
The RAND Journal of Economics 53 (3), 516-560, 2022
Conformant and efficient estimation of discrete choice demand models
PLE Grieco, C Murry, J Pinkse, S Sagl
Unpublished Manuscript, 2022
Multiplicity of equilibria and information structures in empirical games: challenges and prospects: Session at the 9th Triennial Choice Symposium
RN Borkovsky, PB Ellickson, BR Gordon, V Aguirregabiria, P Gardete, ...
Marketing Letters 26, 115-125, 2015
Senator Kerry on Corporate Tax Reform: Right Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription
GC Hufbauer, PLE Grieco
Peterson Institute for International Economics Policy Briefs, 2004
Bias in estimating border-and distance-related trade costs: Insights from an oligopoly model
AK Coşar, PLE Grieco, F Tintelnot
Economics Letters 126, 147-149, 2015
Comparing implicit representations of large CTMCs
G Ciardo, M Forno, PLE Grieco, AS Miner
4th International Conference on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains, 323-327, 2003
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