Guilherme Crivelli Fraga
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Cited by
An extended weighted-sum-of-gray-gases model to account for all CO2‐H2O molar fraction ratios in thermal radiation
H Bordbar, GC Fraga, S Hostikka
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 110, 104400, 2020
Pressure-dependent weighted-sum-of-gray-gases models for heterogeneous CO2-H2O mixtures at sub-and super-atmospheric pressure
H Bordbar, FR Coelho, GC Fraga, FHR França, S Hostikka
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 173, 121207, 2021
On the individual importance of temperature and concentration fluctuations in the turbulence-radiation interaction in pool fires
GC Fraga, FR Centeno, AP Petry, PJ Coelho, FHR França
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 136, 1079-1089, 2019
Evaluation of different gray gas formulations against line-by-line calculations in two-and three-dimensional configurations for participating media composed by CO2, H2O and soot
GC Fraga, L Zannoni, FR Centeno, FHR França
Fire Safety Journal, 102843, 2019
Radiative transfer calculations in fire simulations: an assessment of different gray gas models using the software FDS
CS Fernandes, GC Fraga, FHR França, FR Centeno
Fire Safety Journal 120, 103103, 2021
Benchmark solutions of three-dimensional radiative transfer in nongray media using line-by-line integration
GC Fraga, H Bordbar, S Hostikka, FHR França
Journal of Heat Transfer 142 (3), 034501, 2020
Weighted-sum-of-gray-gases models for non-gray thermal radiation of hydrocarbon fuel vapors, CH4, CO and soot
H Sadeghi, S Hostikka, GC Fraga, H Bordbar
Fire Safety Journal 125, 103420, 2021
Development and testing of a model for turbulence-radiation interaction effects on the radiative emission
GC Fraga, PJ Coelho, AP Petry, FHR França
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 245, 106852, 2020
Application of the WSGG model to solve the radiative transfer in gaseous systems with nongray boundaries
RJC da Fonseca, GC Fraga, RB da Silva, FHR França
Journal of Heat Transfer 140 (5), 052701, 2018
Evaluation and optimization-based modification of a model for the mean radiative emission in a turbulent non-reactive flow
GC Fraga, FR Centeno, AP Petry, FHR França
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 114, 664-674, 2017
Improvement of the efficiency of the superposition method applied to the WSGG model to compute radiative transfer in gaseous mixtures
RM da Silva, GC Fraga, FHR França
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 179, 121662, 2021
A comprehensive evaluation of the WSGG model for air-and oxy-fuel combustion conditions through three-dimensional calculations
GC Fraga, FR Silva, LGB Zanin, RJC da Fonseca, FHR França, ...
Fire Safety Journal 125, 103433, 2021
A wide-band based weighted-sum-of-gray-gases model for participating media: Application to H2O-CO2 mixtures with or without soot
RJC da Fonseca, GC Fraga, FR Coelho, FHR França
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 204, 123839, 2023
A Compact WSGG Formulation to Account for Inhomogeneity of H2O–CO2 Mixtures in Combustion Systems
AHB Selhorst, GC Fraga, FR Coelho, H Bordbar, FHR França
Journal of Heat Transfer 144 (7), 071301, 2022
Assessment of a Model for Emission Subgrid-Scale Turbulence-Radiation Interaction Applied to a Scaled Sandia Flame D
GC Fraga, FC Miranda, FHR França, J Janicka, PJ Coelho
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 106986, 2020
Investigation of the role of turbulent fluctuations on the time-averaged radiative emission in large-scale, turbulent pool fires
GC Fraga, PJ Coelho, AP Petry, FHR França
Fire Safety Journal 112, 102945, 2020
New gas radiation model of high accuracy based on the principle of weighted sum of gray gases
F Asllanaj, S Contassot-Vivier, GC Fraga, FHR França, RJC Da Fonseca
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 315, 108887, 2024
Assessing individual time-averaged emission and absorption correlations for large-scale turbulent pool fires
GC Fraga, PJ Coelho, FHR França
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 165, 120665, 2021
Grouping the wall spectral bands for an effective computation of the radiative transfer in participating media bounded by non-gray walls
RJC da Fonseca, GC Fraga, FHR França
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 120, 105052, 2021
Assessment of subgrid-scale turbulence–radiation interaction on the filtered mean radiative emission in large-scale pool fire simulations
GC Fraga, AP Petry, PJ Coelho, FHR França
Proceedings of the European combustion meeting, 2019
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Articles 1–20