Prateek Jain
Prateek Jain
The Tradedesk
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Ontology alignment for linked open data
P Jain, P Hitzler, A Sheth, K Verma, P Yeh
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2010, 402-417, 2010
Linked data is merely more data
P Jain, P Hitzler, PZ Yeh, K Verma, AP Sheth
Linked Data Meets Artificial Intelligence, 82-86, 2010
User interests identification on twitter using a hierarchical knowledge base
P Kapanipathi, P Jain, C Venkataramani, A Sheth
The Semantic Web: Trends and Challenges: 11th International Conference, ESWC …, 2014
Sparql-st: Extending sparql to support spatiotemporal queries
M Perry, P Jain, AP Sheth
Geospatial semantics and the semantic web: foundations, algorithms, and …, 2011
Alignment-based querying of linked open data
AK Joshi, P Jain, P Hitzler, PZ Yeh, K Verma, AP Sheth, M Damova
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2012
Contextual ontology alignment of lod with an upper ontology: A case study with proton
P Jain, P Yeh, K Verma, R Vasquez, M Damova, P Hitzler, A Sheth
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, 80-92, 2011
Automated review of natural language requirements documents: generating useful warnings with user-extensible glossaries driving a simple state machine
P Jain, K Verma, A Kass, RG Vasquez
Proceedings of the 2nd India software engineering conference, 37-46, 2009
Multiple Ontologies in Healthcare Information Technology: Motivations and Recommendation for Ontology Mapping and Alignment.
CA Puri, K Gomadam, P Jain, PZ Yeh, K Verma
ICBO, 2011
Supporting complex thematic, spatial and temporal queries over semantic web data
M Perry, A Sheth, F Hakimpour, P Jain
GeoSpatial Semantics, 228-246, 2007
Automatic Domain Identification for Linked Open Data
S Lalithsena, P Jain, P Hitzler, A Sheth
The 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 205-212, 2013
Social media and customer behavior analytics for personalized customer engagements
S Buckley, M Ettl, P Jain, R Luss, M Petrik, RK Ravi, C Venkatramani
IBM Journal of Research and Development 58 (5/6), 7: 1-7: 12, 2014
A statistical and schema independent approach to identify equivalent properties on linked data
K Gunaratna, K Thirunarayan, P Jain, A Sheth, S Wijeratne
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 33-40, 2013
Entity Recommendations Using Hierarchical Knowledge Bases
SK Cheekula, P Kapanipathi, D Doran, P Jain, AP Sheth
Constructing consumer profiles from social media data
M Hernandez, K Hildrum, P Jain, R Wagle, B Alexe, R Krishnamurthy, ...
2013 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 710-716, 2013
Moving beyond sameAs with PLATO: Partonomy detection for Linked Data
P Jain, P Hitzler, K Verma, P Yeh, A Sheth
23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 2012
Analysis of social media messages
SJ Buckley, MR Ettl, MO Frey, P Jain, R Luss, M Petrik, RK Ravi, ...
US Patent App. 14/496,060, 2016
Semantic based Service-Oriented Grid Architecture for Business Processes
Z Laliwala, P Jain, S Chaudhary
Services Computing, 2006. SCC'06. IEEE International Conference on, 423-430, 2006
Video on the semantic sensor web
C Henson, A Sheth, P Jain, J Pschorr, T Rapoch
Integrating stateful services in workflow
Z Laliwala, V Sorathia, S Chaudhary, P Jain
2006 13th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'06), 131-138, 2006
Sparql query re-writing using partonomy based transformation rules
P Jain, P Yeh, K Verma, C Henson, A Sheth
GeoSpatial Semantics, 140-158, 2009
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