Robert L. Lowe
Robert L. Lowe
Associate Professor, University of Dayton
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Numerical simulation of linear and nonlinear waves in hypoelastic solids by the CESE method
STJ Yu, L Yang, RL Lowe, SE Bechtel
Wave Motion 47 (3), 168-182, 2010
Mechanical properties of defective carbon nanotube/polyethylene nanocomposites: A molecular dynamics simulation study
MZ Islam, M Mahboob, RL Lowe
Polymer Composites 37 (1), 305-314, 2016
A viscoelasticity model for polymers: Time, temperature, and hydrostatic pressure dependent Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio across transition temperatures and pressures
L Yang, L Yang, RL Lowe
Mechanics of Materials 157, 103839, 2021
Thermodynamic modeling of fully coupled finite-deformation thermo-electro-magneto-mechanical behavior for multifunctional applications
S Santapuri, RL Lowe, SE Bechtel, MJ Dapino
International Journal of Engineering Science 72, 117-139, 2013
Fundamentals of Continuum Mechanics: With Applications to Mechanical, Thermomechanical, and Smart Materials
S Bechtel, R Lowe
Academic Press, 2014
Characterization of the thermal expansion properties of graphene using molecular dynamics simulations
MZ Islam, M Mahboob, LR Lowe, ES Bechtel
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (43), 435302, 2013
Numerical solution by the CESE method of a first-order hyperbolic form of the equations of dynamic nonlinear elasticity
L Yang, RL Lowe, STJ Yu, SE Bechtel
In-plane nonlinear vibration of circular dielectric elastomer membranes with extreme stretchability
CG Cooley, RL Lowe
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 96, 104660, 2022
An Eulerian model for nonlinear waves in elastic rods, solved numerically by the CESE method
RL Lowe, PH Lin, STJ Yu, SE Bechtel
International Journal of Solids and Structures 94, 179-195, 2016
Nonlinear vibration of dielectric elastomer membranes with axial inertia effects
CG Cooley, RL Lowe
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 248, 108205, 2023
An Experimental Investigation of the Influence of the State of Stress on the Ductile Fracture of 2024-T351 Aluminum
JD Seidt, CK Park, M Buyuk, RL Lowe, L Wang, KS Carney, P Du Bois, ...
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 144 (4), 041006, 2022
Ductile fracture under in-plane biaxial tension and out-of-plane compression
N Spulak, RL Lowe, JD Seidt, A Gilat, CK Park, KS Carney
International Journal of Solids and Structures 202, 234-242, 2020
Characterization of the Lode=-1 Meridian on the Al-2024 Failure Surface for MAT_224 in LS-DYNA
RL Lowe, JD Seidt, A Gilat
14th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, 2016
Modal and characteristics-based approaches for modeling elastic waves induced by time-dependent boundary conditions
RL Lowe, STJ Yu, L Yang, SE Bechtel
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (3), 873-886, 2014
3D printable adhesive elastomers with dynamic covalent bond rearrangement
SV Wanasinghe, B Johnson, R Revadelo, G Eifert, A Cox, J Beckett, ...
Soft Matter 19 (26), 4964-4971, 2023
Impact of Process Parameters on the Tensile Properties of DLP Additively Manufactured ELAST-BLK 10 UV-Curable Elastomer
AUH Meem, K Rudolph, A Cox, A Andwan, T Osborn, R Lowe
International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference 85079 …, 2021
Unusual nonlinear frequency response in circular dielectric elastomer membranes excited by fluctuating through-thickness voltages
CG Cooley, RL Lowe
Mechanics Research Communications 124, 103928, 2022
Exploring a Multiscale Topology Optimization Design Space Using a Parametric L-system Approach
B Bielefeldt, R Beblo, JD Deaton, K Lawson, R Lowe
AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2524, 2022
Corrigendum: Characterization of the thermal expansion properties of graphene using molecular dynamics simulations (2013 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 435302)
MZ Islam, M Mahboob, RL Lowe
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (40), 409501, 2014
Development of Material Property Feasibility Constraints for a Multiscale Topology Optimization Framework Using Radial Basis Function Interpolations
BR Bielefeldt, R Beblo, K Lawson, R Lowe
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 86274, V001T08A005, 2022
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