Megan Frederickson
Megan Frederickson
Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto
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Cited by
Stability and phylogenetic correlation in gut microbiota: lessons from ants and apes
JG Sanders, S Powell, DJC Kronauer, HL Vasconcelos, ME Frederickson, ...
Molecular Ecology 23 (6), 1268-1283, 2014
The pandemic penalty: The gendered effects of COVID-19 on scientific productivity
MM King, ME Frederickson
Socius 7, 23780231211006977, 2021
Economic game theory for mutualism and cooperation
M Archetti, I Scheuring, M Hoffman, ME Frederickson, NE Pierce, DW Yu
Ecology letters 14 (12), 1300-1312, 2011
Cheaters must prosper: reconciling theoretical and empirical perspectives on cheating in mutualism
EI Jones, ME Afkhami, E Akçay, JL Bronstein, R Bshary, ME Frederickson, ...
Ecology letters 18 (11), 1270-1284, 2015
‘Devil's gardens’ bedevilled by ants
ME Frederickson, MJ Greene, DM Gordon
Nature 437 (7058), 495-496, 2005
Rethinking mutualism stability: cheaters and the evolution of sanctions
ME Frederickson
The Quarterly review of biology 88 (4), 269-295, 2013
Current issues in the evolutionary ecology of ant–plant symbioses
VE Mayer, ME Frederickson, D McKey, R Blatrix
New Phytologist 202 (3), 749-764, 2014
Economic contract theory tests models of mutualism
EG Weyl, ME Frederickson, DW Yu, NE Pierce
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (36), 15712-15716, 2010
Mutualisms are not on the verge of breakdown
ME Frederickson
Trends in ecology & evolution 32 (10), 727-734, 2017
Cheating and punishment in cooperative animal societies
C Riehl, ME Frederickson
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Experimental evolution makes microbes more cooperative with their local host genotype
RT Batstone, AM O’Brien, TL Harrison, ME Frederickson
Science 370 (6515), 476-478, 2020
Dramatic differences in gut bacterial densities correlate with diet and habitat in rainforest ants
JG Sanders, P Łukasik, ME Frederickson, JA Russell, R Koga, R Knight, ...
Integrative and Comparative Biology 57 (4), 705-722, 2017
Ant species confer different partner benefits on two neotropical myrmecophytes
ME Frederickson
Oecologia 143, 387-395, 2005
Using niche breadth theory to explain generalization in mutualisms
RT Batstone, KA Carscadden, ME Afkhami, ME Frederickson
Ecology 99 (5), 1039-1050, 2018
Experimental demonstration of species coexistence enabled by dispersal limitation.
DW Yu, HB Wilson, ME Frederickson, W Palomino, R De La Colina, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 73 (6), 2004
Ants and ant scent reduce bumblebee pollination of artificial flowers
AR Cembrowski, MG Tan, JD Thomson, ME Frederickson
The American Naturalist 183 (1), 133-139, 2014
Mutualism between co-introduced species facilitates invasion and alters plant community structure
KM Prior, JM Robinson, SA Meadley Dunphy, ME Frederickson
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1800), 20142846, 2015
Why ant pollination is rare: new evidence and implications of the antibiotic hypothesis
EM Dutton, ME Frederickson
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 6, 561-569, 2012
The devil to pay: a cost of mutualism with Myrmelachista schumanni ants in ‘devil's gardens’ is increased herbivory on Duroia hirsuta trees
ME Frederickson, DM Gordon
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1613), 1117-1123, 2007
Signals can trump rewards in attracting seed-dispersing ants
KM Turner, ME Frederickson
PloS one 8 (8), e71871, 2013
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Articles 1–20