Jose C.F. Pereira
Jose C.F. Pereira
Professor Mecanical Engineering , Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon
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Experimental and theoretical investigation of backward-facing step flow
BF Armaly, F Durst, JCF Pereira, B Schönung
Journal of fluid Mechanics 127, 473-496, 1983
Invariants of the velocity-gradient, rate-of-strain, and rate-of-rotation tensors across the turbulent/nonturbulent interface in jets
CB da Silva, JCF Pereira
Physics of fluids 20 (5), 2008
Measurements of turbulent and periodic flows around a square cross-section cylinder
DFG Durao, MV Heitor, JCF Pereira
Experiments in fluids 6 (5), 298-304, 1988
The plane symmetric sudden-expansion flow at low Reynolds numbers
F Durst, JCF Pereira, C Tropea
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 248, 567-581, 1993
A fourth-order-accurate finite volume compact method for the incompressible Navier–Stokes solutions
JMC Pereira, MH Kobayashi, JCF Pereira
Journal of Computational Physics 167 (1), 217-243, 2001
A conservative finite-volume second-order-accurate projection method on hybrid unstructured grids
MH Kobayashi, JMC Pereira, JCF Pereira
Journal of Computational Physics 150 (1), 40-75, 1999
Two-dimensional numerical study of combustion and pollutants formation in porous burners
I Malico, XY Zhou, JCF Pereira
Combustion science and technology 152 (1), 57-79, 2000
Experimental and numerical investigation of flow oscillations in a rectangular cavity
JCF Pereira, JMM Sousa
Velocity characteristics of the flow around a square cross section cylinder placed near a channel wall
DFG Durao, PST Gouveia, JCF Pereira
Experiments in fluids 11, 341-350, 1991
The intense vorticity structures near the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in a jet
CB da Silva, RJN Dos Reis, JCF Pereira
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 685, 165-190, 2011
Comparison of four combustion models for simulating the premixed combustion in inert porous media
XY Zhou, JCF Pereira
Fire and Materials 22 (5), 187-197, 1998
Computation of turbulent evaporating sprays with well-specified measurements: a sensitivity study on droplet properties
XQ Chen, JCF Pereira
International journal of heat and mass transfer 39 (3), 441-454, 1996
Numerical study of combustion and pollutants formation in inert nonhomogeneous porous media
XY Zhou, JCF Pereira
Combustion science and Technology 130 (1-6), 335-364, 1997
Time-dependent laminar backward-facing step flow in a two-dimensional duct
F Durst, JCF Pereira
Numerical study on the influence of radiative properties in porous media combustion
I Malico, JCF Pereira
J. Heat Transfer 123 (5), 951-957, 2001
Numerical study of the turbulent flow over and in a model forest on a 2D hill
MH Kobayashi, JCF Pereira, MBB Siqueira
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 53 (3), 357-374, 1994
Investigation on the thermal flame thickness for lean premixed combustion of low calorific H2/CO mixtures within porous inert media
S Voss, MAA Mendes, JMC Pereira, S Ray, JCF Pereira, D Trimis
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2), 3335-3342, 2013
A numerical study of the stability of one-dimensional laminar premixed flames in inert porous media
MAA Mendes, JMC Pereira, JCF Pereira
Combustion and Flame 153 (4), 525-539, 2008
Prediction of evaporating spray in anisotropically turbulent gas flow
XQ Chen, JCF Pereira
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 27 (2), 143-162, 1995
Finite volume calculations of self-sustained oscillations in a grooved channel
JCF Pereira, JMM Sousa
Journal of Computational Physics 106 (1), 19-29, 1993
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Articles 1–20