Karthik Kannan
Karthik Kannan
Dean, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona
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Market reactions to information security breach announcements: An empirical analysis
K Kannan, J Rees, S Sridhar
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 12 (1), 69-91, 2007
Market for software vulnerabilities? Think again
K Kannan, R Telang
Management science 51 (5), 726-740, 2005
The association between the disclosure and the realization of information security risk factors
T Wang, KN Kannan, JR Ulmer
Information systems research 24 (2), 201-218, 2013
Extrinsic versus intrinsic rewards for contributing reviews in an online platform
W Khern-am-nuai, K Kannan, H Ghasemkhani
Information Systems Research 29 (4), 871-892, 2018
The impact of an augmented-reality game on local businesses: A study of Pokémon Go on restaurants
V Pamuru, W Khern-am-nuai, K Kannan
Information Systems Research 32 (3), 950-966, 2021
A genetic-algorithm-based neighbor-selection strategy for hybrid peer-to-peer networks
SGM Koo, CSG Lee, K Kannan
Proceedings. 13th International Conference on Computer Communications and …, 2004
An experimental study of information revelation policies in sequential auctions
TN Cason, KN Kannan, R Siebert
Management Science 57 (4), 667-688, 2011
Economic experiments in information systems
A Gupta, K Kannan, P Sanyal
MIS Quarterly 42 (2), 595-606, 2018
Effects of information-revelation policies under market-structure uncertainty
A Arora, A Greenwald, K Kannan, R Krishnan
Management Science 53 (8), 1234-1248, 2007
On neighbor-selection strategy in hybrid peer-to-peer networks
SGM Koo, K Kannan, CSG Lee
Future Generation Computer Systems 22 (7), 732-741, 2006
Quantifying the impact of domain knowledge and problem framing on sequential decisions in engineering design
M Shergadwala, I Bilionis, KN Kannan, JH Panchal
Journal of Mechanical Design 140 (10), 101402, 2018
More than the quantity: The value of editorial reviews for a user-generated content platform
Y Deng, J Zheng, W Khern-am-nuai, K Kannan
management Science 68 (9), 6865-6888, 2022
Behavioral experimentation and game theory in engineering systems design
Z Sha, KN Kannan, JH Panchal
Journal of Mechanical Design 137 (5), 051405, 2015
Central role of moral obligations in determining intentions to engage in digital piracy
MJ Hashim, KN Kannan, DT Wegener
Journal of Management Information Systems 35 (3), 934-963, 2018
On evaluating information revelation policies in procurement auctions: A Markov decision process approach
A Greenwald, K Kannan, R Krishnan
Information Systems Research 21 (1), 15-36, 2010
The textual contents of media reports of information security breaches and profitable short-term investment opportunities
T Wang, JR Ulmer, K Kannan
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 23 (3), 200-223, 2013
Economic and policy implications of restricted patch distribution
K Kannan, MS Rahman, M Tawarmalani
Management Science 62 (11), 3161-3182, 2016
Effects of information revelation policies under cost uncertainty
KN Kannan
Information Systems Research 23 (1), 75-92, 2012
Understanding design decisions under competition using games with information acquisition and a behavioral experiment
JH Panchal, Z Sha, KN Kannan
Journal of Mechanical Design 139 (9), 091402, 2017
Digital piracy, teens, and the source of advice: An experimental study
MJ Hashim, KN Kannan, S Maximiano, JR Ulmer
Journal of Management Information Systems 31 (2), 211-244, 2014
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