Dimitrios Lymberopoulos
Dimitrios Lymberopoulos
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A survey on security threats and countermeasures in internet of medical things (IoMT)
M Papaioannou, M Karageorgou, G Mantas, V Sucasas, I Essop, ...
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 33 (6), e4049, 2022
Improving EMG based classification of basic hand movements using EMD
C Sapsanis, G Georgoulas, A Tzes, D Lymberopoulos
2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2013
A new framework architecture for next generation e-health services
MA Fengou, G Mantas, D Lymberopoulos, N Komninos, S Fengos, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 17 (1), 9-18, 2012
A contextual data mining approach toward assisting the treatment of anxiety disorders
TC Panagiotakopoulos, DP Lyras, M Livaditis, KN Sgarbas, ...
IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine 14 (3), 567-581, 2010
Security in smart home environment
G Mantas, D Lymberopoulos, N Komninos
Wireless Technologies for Ambient Assisted Living and Healthcare: Systems …, 2011
Medical disease prediction using artificial neural networks
DH Mantzaris, GC Anastassopoulos, DK Lymberopoulos
2008 8th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, 1-6, 2008
Telemedicine technology and applications for home hemodialysis
B Agroyannis, C Fourtounas, G Romagnoli, M Skiadas, C Tsavdaris4, ...
The International Journal of Artificial Organs 22 (10), 679-683, 1999
Compression assessment based on medical image quality concepts using computer-generated test images
O Kocsis, L Costaridou, G Mandellos, D Lymberopoulos, G Panayiotakis
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 71 (2), 105-115, 2003
WADA service: an extension of DICOM WADO service
GV Koutelakis, DK Lymberopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 13 (1), 121-130, 2008
FPGA implementation of artificial neural networks: an application on medical expert systems
GPK Economou, EP Mariatos, NM Economopoulos, D Lymberopoulos, ...
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Microelectronics for …, 1994
e‐SCP‐ECG+ Protocol: An Expansion on SCP‐ECG Protocol for Health Telemonitoring—Pilot Implementation
GJ Mandellos, MN Koukias, IS Styliadis, DK Lymberopoulos
International journal of telemedicine and applications 2010 (1), 137201, 2010
A new perspective in learning pattern generation for teaching neural networks
GPK Economou, D Lymberopoulos, K Spiropoulos, PD Goumas
Neural networks 12 (4-5), 767-775, 1999
Integrity mechanism for ehealth tele-monitoring system in smart home environment
G Mantas, D Lymberopoulos, N Komninos
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
Medical diagnosis and artificial neural networks: a medical expert system applied to pulmonary diseases
GPK Economou, C Spiropoulos, NM Economopoulos, N Charokopos, ...
Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, 482-489, 1994
A new framework for ubiquitous context-aware healthcare applications
G Mantas, D Lymberopoulos, N Komninos
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Information …, 2010
Structuring Expertise-Led Medical Protocols for tele-medicine systems
KS Mammas, GJ Mandellos, GPK Economou, DK Lymberopoulos
2001 Conference Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of …, 2001
Requirements and solutions for advanced telemedicine applications
GJ Mandellos, DK Lymberopoulos, GV Koutelakis, MN Koukias, ...
INTECH Open Access Publisher, 2009
PKI security in large-scale healthcare networks
G Mantas, D Lymberopoulos, N Komninos
Journal of medical systems 36, 1107-1116, 2012
A prototype medical workstation with unified image viewing facilities
D Lymberopoulos, S Kotsopoulos, G Kokkinakis
Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Australia-IE Aust …, 1992
Machine learning preprocessing method for suicide prediction
T Iliou, G Konstantopoulou, M Ntekouli, D Lymberopoulos, ...
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 12th IFIP WG 12.5 …, 2016
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