Ye-Seul Lee
Ye-Seul Lee
Research Physician, Jaseng Spine and Joint Research Institute, Jaseng Medical Foundation
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How placebo needles differ from placebo pills?
Y Chae, YS Lee, P Enck
Frontiers in Psychiatry 9, 243, 2018
The current status of clinical research involving microneedles: a systematic review
SY Jeong, JH Park, YS Lee, YS Kim, JY Park, SY Kim
Pharmaceutics 12 (11), 1113, 2020
Role of interoceptive accuracy in topographical changes in emotion-induced bodily sensations
WM Jung, Y Ryu, YS Lee, C Wallraven, Y Chae
PloS one 12 (9), e0183211, 2017
Utilization patterns of traditional medicine in Taiwan and South Korea by using national health insurance data in 2011
CW Huang, IH Hwang, Y Lee, SJ Hwang, SG Ko, FP Chen, BH Jang
PLoS One 13 (12), e0208569, 2018
Data Mining of Acupoint Characteristics from the Classical Medical Text: DongUiBoGam of Korean Medicine
T Lee, WM Jung, IS Lee, YS Lee, H Lee, HJ Park, N Kim, Y Chae
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014 (1), 329563, 2014
Commonality and specificity of acupuncture point selections
YS Lee, Y Ryu, DE Yoon, CH Kim, G Hong, YC Hwang, Y Chae
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2020 (1), 2948292, 2020
Understanding Mind‐Body Interaction from the Perspective of East Asian Medicine
YS Lee, Y Ryu, WM Jung, J Kim, T Lee, Y Chae
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2017 (1), 7618419, 2017
Translation of Korean Medicine Use to ICD‐Codes Using National Health Insurance Service‐National Sample Cohort
YS Lee, YR Lee, Y Chae, SY Park, IH Oh, BH Jang
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2016 (1), 8160838, 2016
Bayesian prediction of placebo analgesia in an instrumental learning model
WM Jung, YS Lee, C Wallraven, Y Chae
PloS one 12 (2), e0172609, 2017
Adoptive therapy with amyloid-β specific regulatory T cells alleviates Alzheimer's disease
HJ Yang, SY Park, H Baek, C Lee, G Chung, X Liu, JH Lee, B Kim, ...
Theranostics 12 (18), 7668, 2022
Exploring spatial patterns of acupoint indications from clinical data: a STROBE-compliant article
WM Jung, SH Lee, YS Lee, Y Chae
Medicine 96 (17), e6768, 2017
The dynamic relationship between emotional and physical states: an observational study of personal health records
YS Lee, WM Jung, H Jang, S Kim, SY Chung, Y Chae
Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 411-419, 2017
Bee venom phospholipase A2 induces regulatory T cell populations by suppressing apoptotic signaling pathway
H Baek, SY Park, SJ Ku, K Ryu, Y Kim, H Bae, YS Lee
Toxins 12 (3), 198, 2020
The current status of quality of reporting in acupuncture treatment case reports: an analysis of the core journal in Korea
J Kim, YJ Eom, YS Lee, D Nam, Y Chae
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2017 (1), 5810372, 2017
Comorbid risks of psychological disorders and gastroesophageal reflux disorder using the national health insurance service—National Sample Cohort: A STROBE-compliant article
YS Lee, BH Jang, SG Ko, Y Chae
Medicine 97 (18), e0153, 2018
Understanding the multi-herbal composition of Buyang Huanwu Decoction: a review for better clinical use
YS Lee, SC Woo, SY Kim, JY Park
Journal of ethnopharmacology 255, 112765, 2020
Characterization of hidden rules linking symptoms and selection of acupoint using an artificial neural network model
WM Jung, IS Park, YS Lee, CE Kim, H Lee, DH Hahm, HJ Park, BH Jang, ...
Frontiers of Medicine 13, 112-120, 2019
ACURATE: A guide for reporting sham controls in trials using acupuncture
YS Lee, SY Kim, H Lee, Y Chae, MS Lee
Integrative Medicine Research 12 (2), 100955, 2023
Statistical inference of acupoint specificity: forward and reverse inference
YC Hwang, YS Lee, Y Ryu, IS Lee, Y Chae
Integrative Medicine Research 9 (1), 17-20, 2020
Identification of acupoint indication from reverse inference: data mining of randomized controlled clinical trials
YC Hwang, IS Lee, Y Ryu, YS Lee, Y Chae
Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (9), 3027, 2020
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