Changyang She (佘昌洋)
Changyang She (佘昌洋)
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A Tutorial on Ultrareliable and Low-Latency Communications in 6G: Integrating Domain Knowledge Into Deep Learning
C She, C Sun, Z Gu, Y Li, C Yang, HV Poor, B Vucetic
Proceedings of the IEEE 109 (3), 204-246, 2021
Radio Resource Management for Ultra-reliable and Low-latency Communications
C She, C Yang, TQS Quek
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (6), 72-78, 2017
Cross-layer optimization for ultra-reliable and low-latency radio access networks
C She, C Yang, TQS Quek
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (1), 127-141, 2018
Deep Learning for Hybrid 5G Services in Mobile Edge Computing Systems: Learn from a Digital Twin
R Dong, C She, W Hardjawana, Y Li, B Vucetic
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (10), 4692-4707, 2019
Optimizing Resource Allocation in the Short Blocklength Regime for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications
C Sun, C She, C Yang, TQS Quek, Y Li, B Vucetic
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (1), 402-415, 2019
Joint Uplink and Downlink Resource Configuration for Ultra-reliable and Low-latency Communications
C She, C Yang, TQS Quek
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (5), 2266-2280, 2018
Deep learning for ultra-reliable and low-latency communications in 6g networks
C She, R Dong, Z Gu, Z Hou, Y Li, W Hardjawana, C Yang, L Song, ...
IEEE Network 34 (5), 219-225, 2020
Ultra-reliable and low-latency communications in unmanned aerial vehicle communication systems
C She, C Liu, TQS Quek, C Yang, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Communications 67 (5), 3768-3781, 2019
Deep learning for radio resource allocation with diverse quality-of-service requirements in 5G
R Dong, C She, W Hardjawana, Y Li, B Vucetic
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (4), 2309-2324, 2021
Toward Ultrareliable Low-Latency Communications: Typical Scenarios, Possible Solutions, and Open Issues
D Feng, C She, K Ying, L Lai, Z Hou, TQS Quek, Y Li, B Vucetic
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 14 (2), 94-102, 2019
Energy-aware task offloading and resource allocation for time-sensitive services in mobile edge computing systems
M Zhao, JJ Yu, WT Li, D Liu, S Yao, W Feng, C She, TQS Quek
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (10), 10925-10940, 2021
Improving network availability of ultra-reliable and low-latency communications with multi-connectivity
C She, Z Chen, C Yang, TQS Quek, Y Li, B Vucetic
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (11), 5482-5496, 2018
Prediction and Communication Co-design for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications
Z Hou, C She, Y Li, L Zhuo, B Vucetic
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2020
Knowledge-assisted deep reinforcement learning in 5G scheduler design: From theoretical framework to implementation
Z Gu, C She, W Hardjawana, S Lumb, D McKechnie, T Essery, B Vucetic
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 39 (7), 2014-2028, 2021
Cross-layer transmission design for tactile internet
C She, C Yang, TQS Quek
2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2016
Uplink transmission design with massive machine type devices in tactile internet
C She, C Yang, TQS Quek
Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2016 IEEE, 1-6, 2016
Sampling, Communication, and Prediction Co-Design for Synchronizing the Real-World Device and Digital Model in Metaverse
Z Meng, C She, G Zhao, D De Martini
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 41 (1), 288-300, 2022
Cross-layer design for mission-critical iot in mobile edge computing systems
C She, Y Duan, G Zhao, TQS Quek, Y Li, B Vucetic
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (6), 9360-9374, 2019
Burstiness-Aware Bandwidth Reservation for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications in Tactile Internet
Z Hou, C She, Y Li, TQS Quek, B Vucetic
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (11), 2401-2410, 2018
Dependent task scheduling and offloading for minimizing deadline violation ratio in mobile edge computing networks
S Liu, Y Yu, X Lian, Y Feng, C She, PL Yeoh, L Guo, B Vucetic, Y Li
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 41 (2), 538-554, 2023
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