Aurelio Piazzi
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Global minimum-jerk trajectory planning of robot manipulators
A Piazzi, A Visioli
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 47 (1), 140-149, 2000
The ARGO autonomous vehicle’s vision and control systems
A Broggi, M Bertozzi, A Fascioli, CGL Bianco, A Piazzi
International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems 3 (4), 409-441, 1999
Visual perception of obstacles and vehicles for platooning
A Broggi, M Bertozzi, A Fascioli, CGL Bianco, A Piazzi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 1 (3), 164-176, 2000
Quintic G/sup 2/-splines for the iterative steering of vision-based autonomous vehicles
A Piazzi, CGL Bianco, M Bertozzi, A Fascioli, A Broggi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 3 (1), 27-36, 2002
Eta3-splines for the smooth path generation of wheeled mobile robots
A Piazzi, C Guarino Lo Bianco, M Romano
IEEE Trans. Robotics 7 (4), 565-570, 2007
Optimal dynamic-inversion-based control of an overhead crane
A Piazzi, A Visioli
IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications 149 (5), 405-411, 2002
Minimum-time system-inversion-based motion planning for residual vibration reduction
A Piazzi, A Visioli
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics 5 (1), 12-22, 2000
Global minimum-time trajectory planning of mechanical manipulators using interval analysis
A Piazzi, A Visioli
International journal of Control 71 (4), 631-652, 1998
Optimal noncausal set-point regulation of scalar systems
A Piazzi, A Visioli
Automatica 37 (1), 121-127, 2001
Quintic g/sup 2/-splines for trajectory planning of autonomous vehicles
A Piazzi, CGL Bianco
Proceedings of the IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium 2000 (Cat. No …, 2000
Optimal inversion-based control for the set-point regulation of nonminimum-phase uncertain scalar systems
A Piazzi, A Visioli
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 46 (10), 1654-1659, 2001
Path Generation Using ${\mbi\eta}^ 4$-Splines for a Truck and Trailer Vehicle
F Ghilardelli, G Lini, A Piazzi
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 11 (1), 187-203, 2013
Small-signal modeling for microwave FET linear circuits based on a genetic algorithm
R Menozzi, A Piazzi, F Contini
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 1996
Minimum-time trajectory planning of mechanical manipulators under dynamic constraints
CG Lo Bianco, A Piazzi
International Journal of Control 75 (13), 967-980, 2002
An interval algorithm for minimum-jerk trajectory planning of robot manipulators
A Piazzi, A Visioli
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2, 1924-1927, 1997
Smooth motion generation for unicycle mobile robots via dynamic path inversion
CGL Bianco, A Piazzi, M Romano
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 20 (5), 884-891, 2004
Robust set‐point constrained regulation via dynamic inversion
A Piazzi, A Visioli
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2001
Using stable input–output inversion for minimum-time feedforward constrained regulation of scalar systems
A Piazzi, A Visioli
Automatica 41 (2), 305-313, 2005
A noncausal approach for PID control
A Piazzi, A Visioli
Journal of Process Control 16 (8), 831-843, 2006
Optimal trajectory planning with quintic G/sup 2/-splines
CGL Bianco, A Piazzi
Proceedings of the IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium 2000 (Cat. No …, 2000
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