Rossella Guerrieri
Cited by
Cited by
Global variability in leaf respiration in relation to climate, plant functional types and leaf traits
OK Atkin, KJ Bloomfield, PB Reich, MG Tjoelker, GP Asner, D Bonal, ...
New Phytologist 206 (2), 614-636, 2015
Disentangling the role of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance on rising forest water-use efficiency
R Guerrieri, S Belmecheri, SV Ollinger, H Asbjornsen, K Jennings, J Xiao, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2019
Global photosynthetic capacity is optimized to the environment
NG Smith, TF Keenan, I Colin Prentice, H Wang, IJ Wright, Ü Niinemets, ...
Ecology letters 22 (3), 506-517, 2019
Isotopic evidence for oligotrophication of terrestrial ecosystems
JM Craine, AJ Elmore, L Wang, J Aranibar, M Bauters, P Boeckx, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (11), 1735-1744, 2018
The variation of productivity and its allocation along a tropical elevation gradient: a whole carbon budget perspective
Y Malhi, CAJ Girardin, GR Goldsmith, CE Doughty, N Salinas, ...
New Phytologist 214 (3), 1019-1032, 2017
Impacts of global change on Mediterranean forests and their services
J Peñuelas, J Sardans, I Filella, M Estiarte, J Llusià, R Ogaya, J Carnicer, ...
Forests 8 (12), 463, 2017
Solar radiation and functional traits explain the decline of forest primary productivity along a tropical elevation gradient
NM Fyllas, LP Bentley, A Shenkin, GP Asner, OK Atkin, S Díaz, BJ Enquist, ...
Ecology letters 20 (6), 730-740, 2017
Cross-biome synthesis of source versus sink limits to tree growth
A Cabon, SA Kannenberg, A Arain, F Babst, D Baldocchi, S Belmecheri, ...
Science 376 (6594), 758-761, 2022
Leaf‐level photosynthetic capacity in lowland Amazonian and high‐elevation Andean tropical moist forests of Peru
NHA Bahar, FY Ishida, LK Weerasinghe, R Guerrieri, OS O'Sullivan, ...
New Phytologist 214 (3), 1002-1018, 2017
Assessing the effects of nitrogen deposition and climate on carbon isotope discrimination and intrinsic water‐use efficiency of angiosperm and conifer trees under rising CO 2 …
S Leonardi, T Gentilesca, R Guerrieri, F Ripullone, F Magnani, ...
Global Change Biology 18 (9), 2925-2944, 2012
The legacy of enhanced N and S deposition as revealed by the combined analysis of δ13C, δ18O and δ15N in tree rings
R Guerrieri, M Mencuccini, LJ Sheppard, M Saurer, MP Perks, P Levy, ...
Global Change Biology 17 (5), 1946-1962, 2011
Physiological and environmental control on ecosystem water use efficiency in response to drought across the northern hemisphere
J Zhao, H Feng, T Xu, J Xiao, R Guerrieri, S Liu, X Wu, X He, X He
Science of the Total Environment 758, 143599, 2021
Isotopic evidence for the occurrence of biological nitrification and nitrogen deposition processing in forest canopies
R Guerrieri, EI Vanguelova, G Michalski, THE Heaton, M Mencuccini
Global Change Biology 21 (12), 4613-4626, 2015
Effectiveness of the photochemical reflectance index to track photosynthetic activity over a range of forest tree species and plant water status
F Ripullone, A Rivelli, R Baraldi, R Guarini, MR Guerrieri, F Magnani, ...
Functional Plant Biology 38, 177-186, 2011
Stomatal conductance and leaf water potential responses to hydraulic conductance variation in Pinus pinaster seedlings
F Ripullone, MR Guerrieri, A Nole’, F Magnani, M Borghetti
Trees 21, 371-378, 2007
Evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in relation to climate and canopy nitrogen in U.S. forests
R Guerrieri, L Lepine, H Asbjornsen, J Xiao, SV Ollinger
Geophys. Res. Biogeosci. 121, 2016
Impact of different nitrogen emission sources on tree physiology as assessed by a triple stable isotope approach.
MR Guerrieri, R Siegwolf, M Saurer, P Jäggi, Maya: Cherubini, ...
Atmospheric Environment 43, 410-419, 2009
Physiological and structural changes in response to altered precipitation regimes in a Mediterranean macchia ecosystem
F Ripullone, M Borghetti, S Raddi, E Vicinelli, R Baraldi, MR Guerrieri, ...
Trees 23, 823-834, 2009
Convergence in phosphorus constraints to photosynthesis in forests around the world
DS Ellsworth, KY Crous, MG De Kauwe, LT Verryckt, D Goll, S Zaehle, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 5005, 2022
Precipitation alters the CO2 effect on water‐use efficiency of temperate forests
S Belmecheri, RS Maxwell, AH Taylor, KJ Davis, R Guerrieri, DJP Moore, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (8), 1560-1571, 2021
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Articles 1–20