Eric N Johnson
Eric N Johnson
Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
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Aircraft control and simulation: dynamics, controls design, and autonomous systems
BL Stevens, FL Lewis, EN Johnson
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Concurrent learning for convergence in adaptive control without persistency of excitation
G Chowdhary, E Johnson
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3674-3679, 2010
Adaptive trajectory control for autonomous helicopters
EN Johnson, SK Kannan
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 28 (3), 524-538, 2005
Concurrent learning adaptive control of linear systems with exponentially convergent bounds
G Chowdhary, T Yucelen, M Mühlegg, EN Johnson
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 27 (4), 280-301, 2013
Modeling, control, and flight testing of a small-ducted fan aircraft
EN Johnson, MA Turbe
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 29 (4), 769-779, 2006
Vision-aided inertial navigation for flight control
AD Wu, EN Johnson, AA Proctor
Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication 2 (9), 348-360, 2005
Adaptive flight control for an autonomous unmanned helicopter
E Johnson, S Kannan
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference and exhibit, 4439, 2002
Limited authority adaptive flight control
EN Johnson
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2000
Limited authority adaptive flight control for reusable launch vehicles
EN Johnson, AJ Calise
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 26 (6), 906-913, 2003
GPS-Denied Indoor and Outdoor Monocular Vision Aided Navigation and Control of Unmanned Aircraft
A Chowdhary, G.V., Johnson, E.N., Magree, D., Wu, A.D., and Shein
Journal of Field Robotics 30 (3), 2013
Theory and flight-test validation of a concurrent-learning adaptive controller
GV Chowdhary, EN Johnson
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 34 (2), 592-607, 2011
Exponential parameter and tracking error convergence guarantees for adaptive controllers without persistency of excitation
G Chowdhary, M Mühlegg, E Johnson
International Journal of Control 87 (8), 1583-1603, 2014
A singular value maximizing data recording algorithm for concurrent learning
G Chowdhary, E Johnson
Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference, 3547-3552, 2011
Neural network adaptive control of systems with input saturation
EN Johnson, AJ Calise
Proceedings of the 2001 American Control Conference.(Cat. No. 01CH37148) 5 …, 2001
Vision-based obstacle avoidance for UAVs
Y Watanabe, A Calise, E Johnson
AIAA guidance, navigation and control conference and exhibit, 6829, 2007
Feedback linearization with neural network augmentation applied to X-33 attitude control
E Johnson, A Calise, H El-Shirbiny, R Eysdyk
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference and exhibit, 4157, 2000
Pseudo-control hedging: A new method for adaptive control
EN Johnson, AJ Calise
Advances in navigation guidance and control technology workshop, 1-2, 2000
Use of testable responses for performance-based measurement of situation awareness
AR Pritchett, RJ Hansman, EN Johnson
Situation awareness analysis and measurement, 189-209, 2000
Electric multirotor UAV propulsion system sizing for performance prediction and design optimization
D Bershadsky, S Haviland, EN Johnson
57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2016
Real-time vision-based relative aircraft navigation
EN Johnson, AJ Calise, Y Watanabe, J Ha, JC Neidhoefer
Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication 4 (4), 707-738, 2007
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