filippo ricca
filippo ricca
Associate professor of Computer Science, Università di Genova (Italy)
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Analysis and testing of web applications
F Ricca, P Tonella
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2001
State-based testing of Ajax web applications
A Marchetto, P Tonella, F Ricca
2008 1st international conference on software testing, verification, and …, 2008
Capture-replay vs. programmable web testing: An empirical assessment during test case evolution
M Leotta, D Clerissi, F Ricca, P Tonella
2013 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE), 272-281, 2013
Understanding and restructuring Web sites with ReWeb
F Ricca, P Tonella
IEEE MultiMedia 8 (2), 40-51, 2001
Web site analysis: Structure and evolution
Ricca, Tonella
Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Software Maintenance, 76-86, 2000
Tool-supported requirements prioritization: Comparing the AHP and CBRank methods
A Perini, F Ricca, A Susi
Information and Software Technology 51 (6), 1021-1032, 2009
Relevance, benefits, and problems of software modelling and model driven techniques—A survey in the Italian industry
M Torchiano, F Tomassetti, F Ricca, A Tiso, G Reggio
Journal of Systems and Software 86 (8), 2110-2126, 2013
A family of experiments to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of source code obfuscation techniques
M Ceccato, M Di Penta, P Falcarin, F Ricca, M Torchiano, P Tonella
Empirical Software Engineering 19, 1040-1074, 2014
How developers' experience and ability influence web application comprehension tasks supported by uml stereotypes: A series of four experiments
F Ricca, M Di Penta, M Torchiano, P Tonella, M Ceccato
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 36 (1), 96-118, 2009
Tool-supported refactoring of existing object-oriented code into aspects
D Binkley, M Ceccato, M Harman, F Ricca, P Tonella
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 32 (9), 698-717, 2006
Using clustering to support the migration from static to dynamic web pages
F Ricca, P Tonella
11th IEEE International Workshop on Program Comprehension, 2003., 207-216, 2003
Improving test suites maintainability with the page object pattern: An industrial case study
M Leotta, D Clerissi, F Ricca, C Spadaro
2013 IEEE sixth international conference on software testing, verification …, 2013
Approaches and tools for automated end-to-end web testing
M Leotta, D Clerissi, F Ricca, P Tonella
Advances in Computers 101, 193-237, 2016
Robula+: an algorithm for generating robust XPath locators for web testing
M Leotta, A Stocco, F Ricca, P Tonella
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 28 (3), 177-204, 2016
Visual vs. DOM-based web locators: An empirical study
M Leotta, D Clerissi, F Ricca, P Tonella
Web Engineering: 14th International Conference, ICWE 2014, Toulouse, France …, 2014
Automated refactoring of object oriented code into aspects
D Binkley, M Ceccato, M Harman, F Ricca, P Tonella
21st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'05), 27-36, 2005
The role of experience and ability in comprehension tasks supported by UML stereotypes
F Ricca, M Di Penta, M Torchiano, P Tonella, M Ceccato
29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'07), 375-384, 2007
Dynamic model extraction and statistical analysis of web applications
P Tonella, F Ricca
Proceedings. Fourth International Workshop on Web Site Evolution, 43-52, 2002
Using multi-locators to increase the robustness of web test cases
M Leotta, A Stocco, F Ricca, P Tonella
2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and …, 2015
Using keyword extraction for web site clustering
P Tonella, F Ricca, E Pianta, C Girardi
Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Web Site Evolution, 2003. Theme …, 2003
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