Christine Sierra O'Connell
Christine Sierra O'Connell
Assistant Professor of Biology, Chapman University
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Cited by
Cited by
Solutions for a cultivated planet
JA Foley, N Ramankutty, KA Brauman, ES Cassidy, JS Gerber, ...
Nature 478 (7369), 337-342, 2011
A global strategy for road building
WF Laurance, GR Clements, S Sloan, CS O’connell, ND Mueller, ...
Nature 513 (7517), 229-232, 2014
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity of global croplands
KM Carlson, JS Gerber, ND Mueller, M Herrero, GK MacDonald, ...
Nature Climate Change 7 (1), 63-68, 2017
Drought drives rapid shifts in tropical rainforest soil biogeochemistry and greenhouse gas emissions
CS O’Connell, L Ruan, WL Silver
Nature communications 9 (1), 1348, 2018
Spatially explicit estimates of N2O emissions from croplands suggest climate mitigation opportunities from improved fertilizer management
JS Gerber, KM Carlson, D Makowski, ND Mueller, ...
Global change biology 22 (10), 3383-3394, 2016
Deep soils modify environmental consequences of increased nitrogen fertilizer use in intensifying Amazon agriculture
KJ Jankowski, C Neill, EA Davidson, MN Macedo, C Costa Jr, GL Galford, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 13478, 2018
An attainable global vision for conservation and human well‐being
HM Tallis, PL Hawthorne, S Polasky, J Reid, MW Beck, K Brauman, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16 (10), 563-570, 2018
Environmental controls on shell-rich facies in tropical lacustrine rifts: a view from Lake Tanganyika's littoral
MM McGlue, MJ Soreghan, E Michel, JA Todd, AS Cohen, J Mischler, ...
Palaios 25 (7), 426-438, 2010
COSORE: A community database for continuous soil respiration and other soil‐atmosphere greenhouse gas flux data
B Bond‐Lamberty, DS Christianson, A Malhotra, SC Pennington, D Sihi, ...
Global change biology 26 (12), 7268-7283, 2020
Hot spots and hot moments of soil moisture explain fluctuations in iron and carbon cycling in a humid tropical forest soil
D Barcellos, CS O’Connell, W Silver, C Meile, A Thompson
Soil Systems 2 (4), 59, 2018
Nutrient addition effects on tropical dry forests: a mini-review from microbial to ecosystem scales
JS Powers, KK Becklund, MG Gei, SB Iyengar, R Meyer, CS O'Connell, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 3, 34, 2015
M. 2011
JA Foley, N Ramankutty, KA Brauman, ES Cassidy, JS Gerber, ...
Solutions for a cultivated planet. Nature 478 (7369), 337-342, 0
A general pattern of trade-offs between ecosystem resistance and resilience to tropical cyclones
CJ Patrick, JS Kominoski, WH McDowell, B Branoff, D Lagomasino, ...
Science advances 8 (9), eabl9155, 2022
A research framework to integrate cross-ecosystem responses to tropical cyclones
JA Hogan, RA Feagin, G Starr, M Ross, TC Lin, C O’connell, TP Huff, ...
Bioscience 70 (6), 477-489, 2020
Getting road expansion on the right track: a framework for smart infrastructure planning in the Mekong
A Balmford, H Chen, B Phalan, M Wang, C O’Connell, C Tayleur, J Xu
PLoS biology 14 (12), e2000266, 2016
Anoxic conditions maintained high phosphorus sorption in humid tropical forest soils
Y Lin, A Gross, CS O'connell, WL Silver
Biogeosciences 17 (1), 89-101, 2020
Balancing tradeoffs: Reconciling multiple environmental goals when ecosystem services vary regionally
CS O’Connell, KM Carlson, S Cuadra, KJ Feeley, J Gerber, PC West, ...
Environmental Research Letters 13 (6), 064008, 2018
Management of Helicobacter pylori in patients with immune thrombocytopenia
YAM Vanegas, P Vishnu
Hämostaseologie 39 (03), 279-283, 2019
WF Laurance, GR Clements, S Sloan, CS O’Connell, ND Mueller, ...
Nature 513, 229-232, 2014
Ecological Tradeoffs to an Agricultural Amazonia: Investigating the effects of increased agricultural production on Amazonia's contribution to global climate and nitrogen cycling
CS O'Connell
University of Minnesota, 2015
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Articles 1–20