Jennifer Mondragon
Jennifer Mondragon
National Marine Fisheries Service
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Cited by
Catch sampling and estimation in the federal groundfish fisheries off Alaska
JA Cahalan, JR Gasper, J Mondragon
Seaweeds of the Pacific Coast: Common Marine Algae from Alaska to Baja California
J Mondragon, J Mondragon
Common Marine Algae from Alsaka to Baja California. Sea Challengers …, 2003
The Relationship between Circulating Ecdysteroids and Chela Allometry in Male Tanner Crabs: Evidence for a Terminal Molt in the Genus Chionoecetes
SL Tamone, SJ Taggart, AG Andrews, J Mondragon, JK Nielsen
Journal of Crustacean Biology 27 (4), 635-642, 2007
Sexual reproduction and seasonality of the Alaskan red tree coral, Primnoa pacifica
RG Waller, RP Stone, J Johnstone, J Mondragon
PLoS One 9 (4), e90893, 2014
Estimating Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) abundance: crab pots and dive transects compared
SJ Taggart, CE O'Clair, TC Shirley, J Mondragon
Co-occurrence of Pacific sleeper sharks Somniosus pacificus and harbor seals Phoca vitulina in Glacier Bay
SJ Taggart, AG Andrews, J Mondragon, EA Mathews
Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin 11 (2), 113-117, 2005
Kelp Forest Monitoring Handbook. Volume 1: Sampling Protocol
GE Davis, DJ Kushner, JM Mondragon, JE Mondragon, D Lerma, ...
Channel Islands National Park, Ventura, CA, 1997
Spatial distribution of juvenile and adult female Tanner crabs (Chionoecetes bairdi) in a glacial fjord ecosystem: implications for recruitment processes
JK Nielsen, SJ Taggart, TC Shirley, J Mondragon
ICES Journal of Marine Science 64 (9), 1772-1784, 2007
Dramatic increase in the relative abundance of large male Dungeness crabs Cancer magister following closure of commercial fishing in Glacier Bay, Alaska
SJ Taggart, TC Shirley, CE O'Clair, J Mondragon
American Fisheries Society Symposium 2004 (42), 243-253, 2004
Kelp forest monitoring handbook
GE Davis, DJ Kushner, JM Mondragon, JE Mondragon, D Lerma, ...
Sampling protocol, Channel Islands National Park, Ventura, CA, 1997
Strategic plan for electronic monitoring and electronic reporting in the North Pacific
MR Loefflad, F Wallace, J Mondragon, J Watson, GA Harrington
Living on the edge: distribution of Dungeness crab Cancer magister in a recently deglaciated fjord
SJ Taggart, PN Hooge, J Mondragon, ER Hooge, AG Andrews
Marine Ecology Progress Series 246, 241-252, 2003
Spatial patterns and movements of red king and Tanner crabs: implications for the design of marine protected areas
SJ Taggart, J Mondragon, AG Andrews, JK Nielsen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 365, 151-163, 2008
Glacier Bay seafloor habitat mapping and classification: First look at linkages with biological patterns
L Etherington, G Cochrane, J Harney, J Taggart, J Mondragon, A Andrews, ...
Proceedings of the fourth Glacier Bay science symposium, 71-75, 2004
Deepwater emergence of red tree coral (Primnoa sp.) in Glacier Bay, Alaska
RP Stone, A Andrews, J Mondragon
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Deep Water Corals 28, 221, 2005
Deep-sea emergence of red tree corals (Primnoa pacifica) in Southeast Alaska glacial fjords
RP Stone, J Mondragon
US Department of Commerce, 2018
Spatial distribution and relative abundance of Tanner and red king crab inside and outside of marine reserves in Glacier Bay, Alaska
J Mondragon, SJ Taggart, AG Andrews, JK Nielsen, J de La Bruere
Proceedings of the Fourth Glacier Bay Science Symposium, 84-86, 2004
Catch estimation in the federal trawl fisheries off Alaska: a simulation approach to compare the statistical properties of three trip-specific catch estimators
JA Cahalan, J Gasper, J Mondragon
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72 (7), 1024-1036, 2015
The distribution and abundance of Pacific Halibut in a recently deglaciated fjord—Implications for marine reserve design
J Mondragon, L Etherington, SJ Taggart, PN Hooge
Proceedings of the Fourth Glacier Bay Science Symposium, 107-109, 2004
Report of the 2010 halibut bycatch work group
Halibut Bycatch Work Group, T Karim, GH Williams, RD Mecum
International Pacific Halibut Commission, 2012
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Articles 1–20