Mingliang Liu
Mingliang Liu
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Washington State University
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Spatial and temporal patterns of China's cropland during 1990–2000: an analysis based on Landsat TM data
J Liu, M Liu, H Tian, D Zhuang, Z Zhang, W Zhang, X Tang, X Deng
Remote Sensing of Environment 98 (4), 442-456, 2005
Study on spatial pattern of land-use change in China during 1995–2000
J Liu, M Liu, D Zhuang, Z Zhang, X Deng
Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 46 (4), 373-384, 2003
Characterization of forest types in Northeastern China, using multi-temporal SPOT-4 VEGETATION sensor data
X Xiao, S Boles, J Liu, D Zhuang, M Liu
Remote Sensing of Environment 82 (2), 335-348, 2002
Model estimates of net primary productivity, evapotranspiration, and water use efficiency in the terrestrial ecosystems of the southern United States during 1895–2007
H Tian, G Chen, M Liu, C Zhang, G Sun, C Lu, X Xu, W Ren, S Pan, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 259 (7), 1311-1327, 2010
The land use and land cover change database and its relative studies in China
L Jiyuan, L Mingliang, D Xiangzheng, Z Dafang, Z Zengxiang, LUO Di
Journal of Geographical Sciences 12 (3), 275-282, 2002
China's changing landscape during the 1990s: Large‐scale land transformations estimated with satellite data
J Liu, H Tian, M Liu, D Zhuang, JM Melillo, Z Zhang
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (2), 2005
China's terrestrial carbon balance: Contributions from multiple global change factors
H Tian, J Melillo, C Lu, D Kicklighter, M Liu, W Ren, X Xu, G Chen, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 25 (1), 2011
China's land cover and land use change from 1700 to 2005: Estimations from high‐resolution satellite data and historical archives
M Liu, H Tian
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24 (3), 2010
Global methane and nitrous oxide emissions from terrestrial ecosystems due to multiple environmental changes
H Tian, G Chen, C Lu, X Xu, W Ren, B Zhang, K Banger, B Tao, S Pan, ...
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 1 (1), art4, 2015
Effects of Land‐Use and Land‐Cover Change on Evapotranspiration and Water Yield in China During 1900‐2000
M Liu, H Tian, G Chen, W Ren, C Zhang, J Liu
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 44 (5), 1193-1207, 2008
Spatial and temporal patterns of CH4 and N2O fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems of North America during 1979-2008: application of a global biogeochemistry model
H Tian, X Xu, M Liu, W Ren, C Zhang, G Chen, C Lu
Biogeosciences 7 (9), 2673, 2010
Assessing the effect of land use/land cover change on the change of urban heat island intensity
JF He, JY Liu, DF Zhuang, W Zhang, ML Liu
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 90 (3-4), 217-226, 2007
Impacts of urbanization on carbon balance in terrestrial ecosystems of the Southern United States
C Zhang, H Tian, G Chen, A Chappelka, X Xu, W Ren, D Hui, M Liu, C Lu, ...
Environmental Pollution 164, 89-101, 2012
Net exchanges of CO2, CH4, and N2O between China's terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere and their contributions to global climate warming
H Tian, X Xu, C Lu, M Liu, W Ren, G Chen, J Melillo, J Liu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (2005–2012) 116 (G2), 2011
Pools and distributions of soil phosphorus in China
C Zhang, H Tian, J Liu, S Wang, M Liu, S Pan, X Shi
Global biogeochemical cycles 19 (1), 2005
Century-scale responses of ecosystem carbon storage and flux to multiple environmental changes in the southern United States
H Tian, G Chen, C Zhang, M Liu, G Sun, A Chappelka, W Ren, X Xu, C Lu, ...
Ecosystems 15 (4), 674-694, 2012
Evaluating water stress controls on primary production in biogeochemical and remote sensing based models
Q Mu, M Zhao, FA Heinsch, M Liu, H Tian, SW Running
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 112 (G1), 2007
Assessment of decoupling between rural settlement area and rural population in China
W Song, M Liu
Land Use Policy, 2014
Effect of nitrogen deposition on China's terrestrial carbon uptake in the context of multifactor environmental changes
C Lu, H Tian, M Liu, W Ren, X Xu, G Chen, C Zhang
Ecological Applications 22 (1), 53-75, 2012
Food benefit and climate warming potential of nitrogen fertilizer uses in China
H Tian, C Lu, J Melillo, W Ren, Y Huang, X Xu, M Liu, C Zhang, G Chen, ...
Environmental Research Letters 7 (4), 044020, 2012
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Articles 1–20