Clare McInerney
Clare McInerney
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Cited by
Report on the provision of courses in computer science in upper second level education internationally
N Keane, C McInerney
Report commissioned by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, 2017
A summer computing camp using ChainReaction and jABC
AL Lamprecht, T Margaria, C McInerney
2016 IEEE 40th annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC …, 2016
Computing camps for girls–A first-time experience at the University of Limerick
C McInerney, AL Lamprecht, T Margaria
Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about …, 2017
Having fun with computer programming and games: Teacher and student experiences
C McInerney
Teaching Fundamentals Concepts of Informatics: 4th International Conference …, 2010
What about the gatekeepers? School principals’ and school guidance counsellors’ attitudes towards computer science in secondary schools
O McGarr, C Exton, J Power, C McInerney
Computer Science Education 33 (2), 168-185, 2023
Computing camps for girls–a first-time experience at the University of Limerick IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education
C McInerney, AL Lamprecht, T Margaria
Education and Outreach Activities in Ireland: an Experience Report
HM McInerney, C
American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2013
A study of high school computer science teacher confidence levels
C McInerney, C Exton, M Hinchey
Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Primary and Secondary Computing …, 2020
Investment in information and communication technologies in the Irish education sector
C McInerney, M Hinchey, E McQuade
Education and Technology for a Better World: 9th IFIP TC 3 World Conference …, 2009
Second level computer science teacher self-efficacy and how it influences the use of teaching and assessment strategies
C McInerney
University of Limerick, 2021
Coding in Action–An initiative to support the Junior Cycle short course Coding 2017-2019.
Ú Fleming, C McInerney
Software as a high-tech weapon in Ireland's strategy
C McInerney, T Margaria
2015 IEEE 39th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference 3, 658-663, 2015
CS Impact: Exploring Students' Experiences of Leaving Certificate Computer Science
J BORGES, C MCINERNEY, O McGarr, C Exton, B Harkin
University of Limerick, 2024
Infrastructural Justice for Responsible Software Engineering
S Robinson, J Buckley, L Ciolfi, C Linehan, C McInerney, B Nuseibeh, ...
Journal of Responsible Technology, 100087, 2024
Oliver McGarr University of Limerick Merrilyn Goos University of Limerick
C McInerney, K Johnston, U Fleming
Professional Development for In-Service Teachers: Research and Practices in …, 2022
Exploring teachers’ professional development to support the roll-out of Computer Science in Irish second-level schools
O McGarr, C McInerney, C Exton, J Power
University of Limerick, 2020
Virtual Reality Explorers
RD Walsh J, McMahon D, Moriarty P, O’Connell M, Stack B, Kearney C, Brosnan ...
8th Edition of the New Perspectives in Science Education International …, 2019
support the introduction of the Junior Cycle short course Coding
Ú Fleming, C McInerney
Program Committees-Symposia
R Meier, Y Nakamura, PL Poon, M Kolling, B Ericson, YT Yu, T Shih, ...
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Articles 1–19