Pawel Pietrzak
Pawel Pietrzak
Jeppesen Crew and Fleet
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Live heap space bounds for real-time systems
M Kero, P Pietrzak, J Nordlander
Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, 287-303, 2010
Context-sensitive multivariant assertion checking in modular programs
P Pietrzak, J Correas, G Puebla, MV Hermenegildo
Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning: 13th …, 2006
A practical type analysis for verification of modular prolog programs
PS Pietrzak, JC Fernández, G Puebla, MV Hermenegildo
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Partial evaluation and …, 2008
Using parametric set constraints for locating errors in CLP programs
W Drabent, J Małuszyński, P Pietrzak
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 2 (4-5), 549-610, 2002
Type analysis for CHIP
W Drabent, P Pietrzak
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology: 7th International Conference …, 1999
Diagnosis of CHIP Programs Using Type Information.
M Comini, W Drabent, P Pietrzak
Appia-Gulp-Prode 99, 337-349, 1999
Towards a lightweight CEP engine for embedded systems
P Pietrzak, P Lindgren, H Mäkitaavola
IECON 2012-38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2012
Real-time complex event processing using concurrent reactive objects
P Lindgren, P Pietrzak, H Mäkitaavola
2013 IEEE international conference on industrial technology (ICIT), 1994-1999, 2013
Inferring call and success types for CLP programs
W Drabent, P Pietrzak
Roadmap for SOA event processing and service execution in real-time using Timber
P Pietrzak, R Kyusakov, J Eliasson, P Lindgren
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 1727-1732, 2011
A type-based diagnoser for CHIP
M Comini, W Drabent, J Małuszyński, P Pietrzak
ESPRIT DiSCiPl deliverable (September 1998), 1998
Locating type errors in untyped CLP programs
W Drabent, J Małuszyński, P Pietrzak
Analysis and Visualization Tools for Constraint Programming: Constraint …, 2000
Srp-dm scheduling of component-based embedded real-time software
J Eriksson, S Aittamaa, J Wiklander, P Pietrzak, P Lindgren
International Workshop on Dependable and Secure Industrial and Embedded …, 2011
A SOA approach to delay and jitter tolerant distributed real-time Complex Event Processing
P Lindgren, R Kyusakov, J Eliasson, H Mäkitaavola, P Pietrzak
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 1-7, 2013
Scheduling of CRO systems under SPR-DM
P Lindgren, J Eriksson, S Aittamaa, P Pietrzak, J Wiklander
Real-Time in Sweden: 13/06/2011-14/06/2011, 2011
Static incorrectness diagnosis of CLP (FD)
P Pietrzak
Linköping University Electronic Press, 1998
Automatic binding-related error diagnosis in logic programs
P Pietrzak, MV Hermenegildo
International Conference on Logic Programming, 333-347, 2007
A type-based framework for locating errors in constraint logic programs
P Pietrzak
Linköping University Electronic Press, 2002
Type-based diagnosis of CLP programs
W Drabent, J Maluszyński, P Pietrzak
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 30 (4), 215-234, 2000
Architektura metawarstwowa systemĂłw i tworzenie jej w prologu
J Martinek, PaweĹ ‚Pietrzak (informatyka)
Wydawnictwo Politechniki PoznaĹ „skiej, 1996
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20