Joe Collenette
Joe Collenette
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Explainable AI tools for legal reasoning about cases: A study on the European Court of Human Rights
J Collenette, K Atkinson, T Bench-Capon
Artificial Intelligence 317, 103861, 2023
An explainable approach to deducing outcomes in European Court of Human Rights cases using ADFs
J Collenette, K Atkinson, T Bench-Capon
Computational Models of Argument, 21-32, 2020
Agent-based autonomous systems and abstraction engines: Theory meets practice
LA Dennis, JM Aitken, J Collenette, E Cucco, M Kamali, O McAree, ...
Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 17th Annual Conference, TAROS 2016 …, 2016
Practical tools from formal models: the ECHR as a case study
K Atkinson, J Collenette, T Bench-Capon, K Dzehtsiarou
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Artificial …, 2021
Modelling mood in co-operative emotional agents
J Collenette, K Atkinson, D Bloembergen, K Tuyls
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems: The 13th International Symposium …, 2018
Mood modelling within reinforcement learning
J Collenette, K Atkinson, D Bloembergen, K Tuyls
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 106-113, 2017
Environmental effects on simulated emotional and moody agents
J Collenette, K Atkinson, D Bloembergen, K Tuyls
The Knowledge Engineering Review 32, e19, 2017
Dialogue explanations for rule-based AI systems
Y Xu, J Collenette, L Dennis, C Dixon
International Workshop on Explainable, Transparent Autonomous Agents and …, 2023
Advising autonomous cars about the rules of the road
J Collenette, LA Dennis, M Fisher
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.14035, 2022
Towards robots for social engagement
E Cucco, M Fisher, L Dennis, C Dixon, M Webster, B Broecker, R Williams, ...
Workshop on humanrobot engagement in the home, workplace and public spaces …, 2017
Dialogue-based explanations of reasoning in rule-based systems
Y Xu, J Collenette, L Dennis, C Dixon
3rd Workshop on explainable logic-based knowledge representation, 2022
On the role of mobility and interaction topologies in social dilemmas
J Collenette, K Atkinson, D Bloembergen, K Tuyls
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 477-484, 2018
Mobility effects on the evolution of co-operation in emotional robotic agents
J Collenette, K Atkinson, D Bloembergen, K Tuyls
Proceedings of ALA Workshop, 2016
The effect of mobility and emotion on interactions in multi-agent systems
J Collenette, K Atkinson, D Bloembergen, K Tuyls
STAIRS 2016, 39-50, 2016
Multi-agent control of industrial robot vacuum cleaners
J Collenette, B Logan
Engineering Multi-Agent Systems: 8th International Workshop, EMAS 2020 …, 2020
Simulated emotions and mood as part of decision making in a mobile agent society
JM Collenette
PQDT-Global, 2020
Stability of cooperation in societies of emotional and moody agents
J Collenette, K Atkinson, D Bloembergen, K Tuyls
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 467-474, 2019
Why We Need a Notion of Conflict for Autonomous Traffic Agents
A Rakow, J Collenette, M Schwammberger, M Slatkovic, G Vaz Alvez
CLAC 2024: Workshop on Computational Law for Autonomous Cars; Florence, 2024
Banal Deception Human-AI Ecosystems: A Study of People's Perceptions of LLM-generated Deceptive Behaviour
X Zhan, Y Xu, N Abdi, J Collenette, R Abu-Salma, S Sarkadi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.08386, 2024
Tackling the Backlog: Support for Completing and Validating Forms
K Atkinson, D Bareham, T Bench-Capon, J Collenette, J Mumford
Unpublished manuscript, 2024
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