Lucile Bruhat
Lucile Bruhat
Group Risk Management, AXA
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Rupture complexity and the supershear transition on rough faults
L Bruhat, Z Fang, EM Dunham
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (1), 210-224, 2016
Evidence for postseismic deformation of the lower crust following the 2004 Mw6. 0 Parkfield earthquake
L Bruhat, S Barbot, JP Avouac
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116 (B08), 2156-2202, 2011
Rapid collaborative knowledge building via Twitter after significant geohazard events
R Lacassin, M Devès, S Hicks, JP Ampuero, R Bossu, L Bruhat, ...
Deformation rates in northern Cascadia consistent with slow up dip propagation of deep interseismic creep
L Bruhat, P Segall
Geophysical Journal International, 2017
Influence of fault roughness on surface displacement: from numerical simulations to coseismic slip distributions
L Bruhat, Y Klinger, A Vallage, EM Dunham
Geophysical Journal International 220 (3), 1857-1877, 2020
Coupling on the northern Cascadia subduction zone from geodetic measurements and physics‐based models
L Bruhat, P Segall
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (11), 8297-8314, 2016
Co‐location of the downdip end of seismic coupling and the continental shelf break
LC Malatesta, L Bruhat, NJ Finnegan, JAL Olive
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2020JB019589, 2021
Signature of transition to supershear rupture speed in the coseismic off-fault damage zone
J Jara, L Bruhat, MY Thomas, SL Antoine, K Okubo, E Rougier, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477 (2255), 20210364, 2021
A physics-based approach of deep interseismic creep for viscoelastic strike-slip earthquake cycle models
L Bruhat
Geophysical Journal International 220 (1), 79–95, 2020
Megathrust locking encoded in subduction landscapes
B Oryan, JA Olive, R Jolivet, LC Malatesta, B Gailleton, L Bruhat
Science Advances 10 (17), eadl4286, 2024
Creating a Diamond Open Access community journal for Seismology and Earthquake Science
M van den Ende, L Bruhat, G Funning, AA Gabriel, SP Hicks, R Jolivet, ...
EarthArXiv, 2021
Long-term coastal uplift due to non-recoverable forearc deformation during the interseismic phase of the subduction earthquake cycle
B Oryan, JA Olive, R Jolivet, L Bruhat, L Malatesta
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-1557, 2022
Numerical and experimental evidence for polygonal faults in carbonate rocks
L Bruhat, BD Gauthier, YM Leroy
GEO 2012, cp-287-00173, 2012
Subduction sculpting when megathrusts sleep: How interseismic deformation encodes a signature of plate locking in forearc landscapes
B Oryan, JAL Olive, R Jolivet, LC Malatesta, B Gailleton, L Bruhat
AGU24, 2024
Geology and geomorphology of the Jan 1st 2024 Mw 7.6 Noto Peninsula Earthquake: observations and context.
LC Malatesta, S Sueoka, KS Kataoka, T Komatsu, S Tsukamoto, L Bruhat, ...
EGU24, 2024
Developing a unified and consistent database for historical natural events, and subsequent losses, within a catastrophe modeling framework
L Bruhat, H Rakotoarimanga, M Hersent
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-15018, 2023
Fault opening related to free surface interaction on reverse faults: insights from numerical modeling
L Bruhat, E Rougier, K Okubo, H Bhat
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, S042-02, 2020
What can Subduction Margin-and Sea-Scapes Tell us about the System's Processes and Energy Budget?
ML Cooke, L Bruhat, J Crider, LC Malatesta, K Morell, JAL Olive
Geological Society of America Abstracts 52, 356241, 2020
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Articles 1–18