Marco Manzi
Marco Manzi
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Robust denoising using feature and color information
F Rousselle, M Manzi, M Zwicker
Computer Graphics Forum 32 (7), 121-130, 2013
Gradient-domain path tracing
M Kettunen, M Manzi, M Aittala, J Lehtinen, F Durand, M Zwicker
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 34 (4), 1-13, 2015
Temporal gradient-domain path tracing
M Manzi, M Kettunen, F Durand, M Zwicker, J Lehtinen
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35 (6), 1-9, 2016
Gradient-Domain Bidirectional Path Tracing.
M Manzi, M Kettunen, M Aittala, J Lehtinen, F Durand, M Zwicker
EGSR (EI&I), 65-74, 2015
Improved sampling for gradient-domain metropolis light transport
M Manzi, F Rousselle, M Kettunen, J Lehtinen, M Zwicker
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 33 (6), 1-12, 2014
Regularizing image reconstruction for gradient‐domain rendering with feature patches
M Manzi, D Vicini, M Zwicker
Computer graphics forum 35 (2), 263-273, 2016
Deep Compositional Denoising for High‐quality Monte Carlo Rendering
X Zhang, M Manzi, T Vogels, H Dahlberg, M Gross, M Papas
Computer Graphics Forum 40 (4), 1-13, 2021
System for robust denoising of images
F Rousselle, M Zwicker, M Manzi
US Patent App. 14/506,238, 2016
Deep adaptive sampling and reconstruction using analytic distributions
F Salehi, M Manzi, G Roethlin, R Weber, C Schroers, M Papas
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 41 (6), 1-16, 2022
Automatic feature selection for denoising volumetric renderings
X Zhang, M Ott, M Manzi, M Gross, M Papas
Computer Graphics Forum 41 (4), 63-77, 2022
Robust Image Denoising using Kernel Predicting Networks.
Z Cai, Y Zhang, M Manzi, AC Öztireli, MH Gross, TO Aydin
Eurographics (Short Papers), 37-40, 2021
Techniques for robust image denoising
CAI Zhilin, TO Aydin, M Manzi, AC Oztireli
US Patent App. 16/795,486, 2021
Deep Compositional Denoising on Frame Sequences
X Zhang, G Röthlin, M Manzi, M Gross, M Papas
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, 139-142, 2023
Adaptive sampling using deep learning
M Papas, G Röthlin, HD Dahlberg, F Salehi, DM Adler, MA Meyer, ...
US Patent App. 17/720,660, 2023
Advanced Techniques in Gradient-Domain Rendering
M Manzi
Universität Bern, 2016
Deep Compositional Denoising for High-quality Monte Carlo Rendering (Supplemental)
X Zhang, M Manzi, T Vogels, H Dahlberg, M Gross, M Papas
Supplemental Material for Gradient-Domain Path Tracing
M Kettunen, M Manzi, M Aittala, J Lehtinen, F Durand, M Zwicker
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