Rômulo Meira-Góes
Rômulo Meira-Góes
Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, Penn State University
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Synthesis of sensor deception attacks at the supervisory layer of Cyber–Physical Systems
R Meira-Góes, E Kang, RH Kwong, S Lafortune
Automatica 121, 109172, 2020
Stealthy Deception Attacks for Cyber-Physical Systems
R Meira-Góes, E Kang, R Kwong, S Lafortune
56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2017
Synthesis of supervisors robust against sensor deception attacks
R Meira-Góes, S Lafortune, H Marchand
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (10), 4990-4997, 2021
Towards resilient supervisors against sensor deception attacks
R Meira-Góes, H Marchand, S Lafortune
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5144-5149, 2019
Synthesis of Sensor Deception Attacks for Systems Modeled as Probabilistic Automata
R Meira-Goes, R Kwong, S Lafortune
Proceedings of the 2019 American Control Conference, 2019
Synthesis of optimal multiobjective attack strategies for controlled systems modeled by probabilistic automata
R Meira-Góes, RH Kwong, S Lafortune
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 67 (6), 2873-2888, 2021
Dealing with sensor and actuator deception attacks in supervisory control
R Meira-Góes, H Marchand, S Lafortune
Automatica 147, 110736, 2023
Efficient Synthesis of Sensor Deception Attacks Using Observation Equivalence-Based Abstraction
S Mohajerani, R Meira-Góes, S Lafortune
15th IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2020
Demonstration of indoor location privacy enforcement using obfuscation
R Meira-Góes, BC Rawlings, N Recker, G Willett, S Lafortune
IFAC-PapersOnLine - 14th IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. 51 (7 …, 2018
Mitigation of classes of attacks using a probabilistic discrete event system framework
ZY Wang, R Meira-Góes, S Lafortune, RH Kwong
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (4), 35-41, 2020
Moving Target Defense based on Switched Supervisory Control: A New Technique for Mitigating Sensor Deception Attacks
R Meira-Góes, S Lafortune
15th IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2020
Run-time adaptation of quality attributes for automated planning
R Wohlrab, R Meira-Góes, M Vierhauser
Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and …, 2022
On tolerance of discrete systems with respect to transition perturbations
R Meira-Góes, E Kang, S Lafortune, S Tripakis
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 33 (4), 395-424, 2023
Robustification of behavioral designs against environmental deviations
C Zhang, T Saluja, R Meira-Góes, M Bolton, D Garlan, E Kang
2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2023
Using subobservers to synthesize opacity-enforcing supervisors
RH Moulton, BB Hamgini, ZA Khouzani, R Meira-Góes, F Wang, K Rudie
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 32 (4), 611-640, 2022
Towards probabilistic intrusion detection in supervisory control of discrete event systems
R Meira-Góes, C Keroglou, S Lafortune
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 1776-1782, 2020
Risk-averse model predictive control for priced timed automata
MT Anbarani, EC Balta, R Meira-Góes, I Kovalenko
2023 American Control Conference (ACC), 4332-4338, 2023
Runtime resolution of feature interactions through adaptive requirement weakening
S Chu, E Shedden, C Zhang, R Meira-Góes, GA Moreno, D Garlan, ...
2023 IEEE/ACM 18th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self …, 2023
On synthesizing tolerable and permissive controllers for labeled transition systems
R Meira-Góes, E Kang, S Lafortune, S Tripakis
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (28), 158-164, 2022
MDESops: an open-source software tool for discrete event systems modeled by automata
R Meira-Góes, A Wintenberg, S Matsui, S Lafortune
IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (2), 6093-6098, 2023
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