Asheq Rahman
Asheq Rahman
Professor of Financial Accounting, Auckland University of Technology
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Voluntary disclosure in the annual reports of New Zealand companies
M Hossain, MHB Perera, AR Rahman
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 6 (1), 69-87, 1995
The determinants of Internet financial reporting
R Debreceny, GL Gray, A Rahman
Journal of Accounting and Public policy 21 (4-5), 371-394, 2002
Business reporting on the Internet
A Lymer, R Debreceny, GL Gray, A Rahman
International Accounting Standards Committee, 1999
Accounting practice harmony, accounting regulation and firm characteristics
A Rahman, H Perera, S Ganesh
Abacus 38 (1), 46-77, 2002
Firm-specific determinants of continuous corporate disclosures
R Debreceny, A Rahman
The International Journal of Accounting 40 (3), 249-278, 2005
The effect of IFRS and its enforcement on earnings management: An international comparison
L Cai, AR Rahman, SM Courtenay
Available at SSRN 1473571, 2008
Measurement of formal harmonisation in accounting: an exploratory study
A Rahman, H Perera, S Ganeshanandam
Accounting and Business Research 26 (4), 325-339, 1996
The evolution of accruals‐based Crown (government) financial statements in New Zealand
J Lye, H Perera, A Rahman
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 18 (6), 784-815, 2005
The effect of IFRS adoption conditional upon the level of pre-adoption divergence
L Cai, A Rahman, S Courtenay
The International Journal of Accounting 49 (2), 147-178, 2014
Global diversification and corporate disclosure
SF Cahan, A Rahman, H Perera
Journal of International Accounting Research 4 (1), 73-93, 2005
Financial reporting quality in international settings: A comparative study of the USA, Japan, Thailand, France and Germany
A Rahman, J Yammeesri, H Perera
The International Journal of Accounting 45 (1), 1-34, 2010
Experience of audit committee members and audit quality
N Sultana, H Singh, A Rahman
European Accounting Review 28 (5), 947-975, 2019
Institutional pressures and ethical reckoning by business corporations
F Chua, A Rahman
Journal of Business Ethics 98 (2), 307-329, 2011
The role of corporate governance in accounting discretion under IFRS: Goodwill impairment in Australia
H Kabir, A Rahman
Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics 12 (3), 290-308, 2016
Do gender diversity recommendations in corporate governance codes matter? Evidence from audit committees
N Sultana, SF Cahan, A Rahman
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 39 (1), 173-197, 2020
Pandemic turned into pandemonium: the effect on supply chains and the role of accounting information
A Velayutham, AR Rahman, A Narayan, M Wang
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 34 (6), 1404-1415, 2021
Grounded theory: A theory discovery method for accounting research
J Lye, H Perera, A Rahman
Methodological issues in accounting research: Theories, methods and issues …, 2006
Quarterly reporting in a voluntary disclosure environment: Its benefits, drawbacks and determinants
AR Rahman, TM Tay, BT Ong, S Cai
The International Journal of Accounting 42 (4), 416-442, 2007
Globalisation and the major accounting firms
HB Perera, AR Rahman, SF Cahan
Australian Accounting Review 13 (29), 27-37, 2003
Female tainted directors, financial reporting quality and audit fees
MBU Bhuiyan, A Rahman, N Sultana
Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics 16 (2), 100189, 2020
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