Jeroen Hugenholtz
Jeroen Hugenholtz
Hoogleraar Industriele Moleculaire Microbiologie, Uiversiteit van Amsterdam
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Applications of the bacteriocin, nisin
J Delves-Broughton, P Blackburn, RJ Evans, J Hugenholtz
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 69, 193-202, 1996
An overview of the functionality of exopolysaccharides produced by lactic acid bacteria
P Ruas-Madiedo, J Hugenholtz, P Zoon
International dairy journal 12 (2-3), 163-171, 2002
Microbes from raw milk for fermented dairy products
JTM Wouters, EHE Ayad, J Hugenholtz, G Smit
International Dairy Journal 12 (2-3), 91-109, 2002
Citrate metabolism in lactic acid bacteria
J Hugenholtz
FEMS microbiology reviews 12 (1-3), 165-178, 1993
Mannitol production by lactic acid bacteria: a review
HW Wisselink, RA Weusthuis, G Eggink, J Hugenholtz, GJ Grobben
International Dairy Journal 12 (2-3), 151-161, 2002
Unraveling microbial interactions in food fermentations: from classical to genomics approaches
S Sieuwerts, FAM De Bok, J Hugenholtz, JET van Hylckama Vlieg
Applied and environmental microbiology 74 (16), 4997-5007, 2008
Effects of cultivation conditions on folate production by lactic acid bacteria
W Sybesma, M Starrenburg, L Tijsseling, MHN Hoefnagel, J Hugenholtz
Applied and environmental microbiology 69 (8), 4542-4548, 2003
Cofactor Engineering: a Novel Approach to Metabolic Engineering in Lactococcus lactis by Controlled Expression of NADH Oxidase
F Lopez de Felipe, M Kleerebezem, WM de Vos, J Hugenholtz
Journal of Bacteriology 180 (15), 3804-3808, 1998
Physiological function of exopolysaccharides produced by Lactococcus lactis
PJ Looijesteijn, L Trapet, E de Vries, T Abee, J Hugenholtz
International journal of food microbiology 64 (1-2), 71-80, 2001
Lactobacillus reuteri CRL1098 Produces Cobalamin
MP Taranto, JL Vera, J Hugenholtz, GF De Valdez, F Sesma
Journal of bacteriology 185 (18), 5643-5647, 2003
Properties of nisin Z and distribution of its gene, nisZ, in Lactococcus lactis
WM de Vos, JW Mulders, RJ Siezen, J Hugenholtz, OP Kuipers
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 59 (1), 213-218, 1993
Mode of Action of Nisin Z against Listeria monocytogenes Scott A Grown at High and Low Temperatures
T Abee, FM Rombouts, J Hugenholtz, G Guihard, L Letellier
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60 (6), 1962-1968, 1994
Metabolic engineering of lactic acid bacteria, the combined approach: kinetic modelling, metabolic control and experimental analysis
MHN Hoefnagel, MJC Starrenburg, DE Martens, J Hugenholtz, ...
Microbiology 148 (4), 1003-1013, 2002
Riboflavin Production in Lactococcus lactis: Potential for In Situ Production of Vitamin-Enriched Foods
C Burgess, M O'Connell-Motherway, W Sybesma, J Hugenholtz, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70 (10), 5769-5777, 2004
Citrate Fermentation by Lactococcus and Leuconostoc spp
MJC Starrenburg, J Hugenholtz
Applied and environmental microbiology 57 (12), 3535-3540, 1991
Conversion of Lactococcus lactis from homolactic to homoalanine fermentation through metabolic engineering
P Hols, M Kleerebezem, AN Schanck, T Ferain, J Hugenholtz, J Delcour, ...
Nature biotechnology 17 (6), 588-592, 1999
Metabolic Engineering of Acetaldehyde Production by Streptococcus thermophilus
A Chaves, M Fernandez, ALS Lerayer, I Mierau, M Kleerebezem, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68 (11), 5656-5662, 2002
Increased Production of Folate by Metabolic Engineering of Lactococcus lactis
W Sybesma, M Starrenburg, M Kleerebezem, I Mierau, WM de Vos, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69 (6), 3069-3076, 2003
Nutraceutical production with food-grade microorganisms
J Hugenholtz, EJ Smid
Current opinion in biotechnology 13 (5), 497-507, 2002
Metabolic pathway engineering in lactic acid bacteria
M Kleerebezem, J Hugenholtz
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 14 (2), 232-237, 2003
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