Juliana Küster Filipe Bowles
Juliana Küster Filipe Bowles
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Modelling concurrent interactions
J Küster-Filipe
Theoretical Computer Science 351 (2), 203-220, 2006
Enriching OCL using observational mu-calculus
J Bradfield, JK Filipe, P Stevens
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering …, 2002
Studying trajectories of multimorbidity: a systematic scoping review of longitudinal approaches and evidence
G Cezard, CT McHale, F Sullivan, JKF Bowles, K Keenan
BMJ open 11 (11), e048485, 2021
Our data, our society, our health: A vision for inclusive and transparent health data science in the United Kingdom and beyond
E Ford, A Boyd, JKF Bowles, A Havard, RW Aldridge, V Curcin, M Greiver, ...
Learning health systems 3 (3), e10191, 2019
Trends in diabetes medication use in Australia, Canada, England, and Scotland: a repeated cross-sectional analysis in primary care
M Greiver, A Havard, JKF Bowles, S Kalia, T Chen, B Aliarzadeh, ...
British Journal of General Practice 71 (704), e209-e218, 2021
Formalizing liveness-enriched sequence diagrams using ASMs
A Cavarra, J Küster-Filipe
International Workshop on Abstract State Machines, 62-77, 2004
The Troll Approach to Conceptual Modelling: Syntax, Semantics, and Tools
A Grau, JK Filipe, M Kowsari, S Eckstein, R Pinger, HD Ehrich
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 277-290, 1998
Fundamentals of a module logic for distributed object systems
JK Filipe
Journal of Functional and Logic Programming 3, 2000
Formal transformation from sequence diagrams to coloured petri nets
J Bowles, D Meedeniya
2010 Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 216-225, 2010
A logic-based formalization for component specification
JK Filipe
Journal of Object Technology 1 (3), 231-248, 2002
Combining sequence diagrams and OCL for liveness
A Cavarra, J Küster-Filipe
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 115, 19-38, 2005
A formal model for integrating multiple views
JKF Bowles, B Bordbar
Seventh International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System …, 2007
Decomposing interactions
JKF Bowles
International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology …, 2006
The serums tool-chain: ensuring security and privacy of medical data in smart patient-centric healthcare systems
V Janjic, JKF Bowles, AF Vermeulen, A Silvina, M Belk, C Fidas, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2726-2735, 2019
From interaction overview diagrams to pepa nets
L Kloul, J Küster-Filipe
Proc. of the Work. on Process Algebra and Stochastically Timed Activities 104, 2005
Optimizing protocol rewrite rules of CIL specifications
G Denker, JK Millen, A Grau, JK Filipe
Proceedings 13th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop. CSFW-13, 52-62, 2000
A blockchain-based healthcare platform for secure personalised data sharing
J Bowles, T Webber, E Blackledge, A Vermeulen
Public Health and Informatics, 208-212, 2021
Avoiding medication conflicts for patients with multimorbidities
A Kovalov, JKF Bowles
International conference on integrated formal methods, 376-390, 2016
A logical approach for behavioural composition of scenario-based models
JKF Bowles, B Bordbar, M Alwanain
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 17th International Conference on …, 2015
Formal specification of Catalysis frameworks
JK Filipe, KK Lau, M Omaghi, K Taguchi, H Yatsu, A Wills
Proceedings Seventh Asia-Pacific Software Engeering Conference. APSEC 2000 …, 2000
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