Prof. Michael Stiber
Prof. Michael Stiber
Professor of Computing & Software Systems, University of Washington
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Periodic inhibition of living pacemaker neurons (I): locked, intermittent, messy, and hopping behaviors
JP Segundo, E Altshuler, M Stiber, A Garfinkel
International journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 1 (03), 549-581, 1991
A Bonhoeffer-van der Pol oscillator model of locked and non-locked behaviors of living pacemaker neurons
T Nomura, S Sato, S Doi, JP Segundo, MD Stiber
Biological cybernetics 69, 429-437, 1993
Global bifurcation structure of a Bonhoeffer-van der Pol oscillator driven by periodic pulse trains: comparison with data from a periodically inhibited biological pacemaker
T Nomura, S Sato, S Doi, JP Segundo, MD Stiber
Biological Cybernetics 72, 55-67, 1994
Noise and the neurosciences: a long history, a recent revival and some theory
JP Segundo, JF Vibert, K Pakdaman, M Stiber, OD Martınez
The spike trains of inhibited pacemaker neurons seen through the magnifying glass of nonlinear analyses
JP Segundo, G Sugihara, P Dixon, M Stiber, LF Bersier
Neuroscience 87 (4), 741-766, 1998
Transients in the inhibitory driving of neurons and their postsynaptic consequences
JP Segundo, M Stiber, E Altshuler, JF Vibert
Neuroscience 62 (2), 459-480, 1994
A survey of system administrator mental models and situation awareness
DG Hrebec, M Stiber
Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGCPR conference on Computer personnel research …, 2001
Periodically modulated inhibition and its postsynaptic consequences—I. General features. Influence of modulation frequency
JP Segundo, JF Vibert, M Stiber, S Hanneton
Neuroscience 68 (3), 657-692, 1995
Periodically modulated inhibition and its postsynaptic consequences—II. Influence of modulation slope, depth, range, noise and of postsynaptic natural discharges
JP Segundo, M Stiber, JF Vibert, S Hanneton
Neuroscience 68 (3), 693-719, 1995
A modified radial isochron clock with slow and fast dynamics as a model of pacemaker neurons: Global bifurcation structure when driven by periodic pulse trains
T Nomura, S Sato, S Doi, JP Segundo, MD Stiber
Biological cybernetics 72, 93-101, 1994
Periodic inhibition of living pacemaker neurons (II): Influences of driver rates and transients and of nondriven postsynaptic rates
JP Segundo, E Altshuler, M Stiber, A Garfinkel
International journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 1 (04), 873-890, 1991
Dynamics of synaptic transfer in living and simulated neurons
M Stiber, JP Segundo
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, 75-80, 1993
Synaptic coding of spike trains
JP Segundo, M Stiber, JF Vibert
The handbook of brain theory and neural networks, 953-956, 1998
Complex responses of living neurons to pacemaker inhibition: a comparison of dynamical models
M Stiber, K Pakdaman, JF Vibert, E Boussard, JP Segundo, T Nomura, ...
Biosystems 40 (1-2), 177-188, 1997
Dynamics of synaptic integration
MD Stiber
University of California, Los Angeles, 1992
A simple model of cortical culture growth: burst property dependence on network composition and activity
F Kawasaki, M Stiber
Biological cybernetics 108, 423-443, 2014
Responses to transients in living and simulated neurons
M Stiber, R Ieong, JP Segundo
IEEE transactions on neural networks 8 (6), 1379-1385, 1997
Statistics of inverse interspike intervals: The instantaneous firing rate revisited
L Kostal, P Lansky, M Stiber
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28 (10), 2018
Synaptic coding of periodically modulated spike trains
JP Segundo, JF Vibert, M Stiber, S Hanneton
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, 58-63, 1993
Spike timing precision and neural error correction: Local behavior
M Stiber
Neural Computation 17 (7), 1577-1601, 2005
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