Patricia Manley
Patricia Manley
US Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station
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Evaluation of a multiple‐species approach to monitoring species at the ecoregional scale
PN Manley, WJ Zielinski, MD Schlesinger, SR Mori
Ecological Applications 14 (1), 296-310, 2004
Effects of urban development on ant communities: implications for ecosystem services and management
MP Sanford, PN Manley, DD Murphy
Conservation Biology 23 (1), 131-141, 2009
Distinguishing stressors acting on land bird communities in an urbanizing environment
MD Schlesinger, PN Manley, M Holyoak
Ecology 89 (8), 2302-2314, 2008
Assessing wildlife-habitat-relationships models: a case study with California oak woodlands
WM Block, ML Morrison, J Verner, PN Manley
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 549-561, 1994
Use of tree species by forest birds during winter and summer
ML Morrison, IC Timossi, KA With, PN Manley
The Journal of wildlife management, 1098-1102, 1985
Chapter Five: Biological integrity
PN Manley, JAA Fites-Kaufman, MG Barbour, MD Schlesinger, DM Rizzo
The Lake Tahoe Watershed Assessment 1, 403-598, 2000
Multiple species inventory and monitoring technical guide
PN Manley
United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 2006
A field‐based evaluation of a presence‐absence protocol for monitoring ecoregional‐scale biodiversity
PN Manley, MD Schlesinger, JK Roth, B Van Horne
The Journal of wildlife management 69 (3), 950-966, 2005
Avian community responses to post‐fire forest structure: implications for fire management in mixed conifer forests
AM White, PN Manley, GL Tarbill, TW Richardson, RE Russell, HD Safford, ...
Animal Conservation 19 (3), 256-264, 2016
Ecological integrity of remnant montane forests along an urban gradient in the Sierra Nevada
KE Heckmann, PN Manley, MD Schlesinger
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (7), 2453-2466, 2008
Monitoring ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada: the conceptual model foundation
PN Manley, WJ Zielinski, CM Stuart, JJ Keane, AJ Lind, C Brown, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 64, 139-152, 2000
Investigating the effects of forest structure on the small mammal community in frequent-fire coniferous forests using capture-recapture models for stratified populations
R Sollmann, AM White, B Gardner, PN Manley
Mammalian Biology 80, 247-254, 2015
Conservation of avian diversity in the Sierra Nevada: moving beyond a single-species management focus
AM White, EF Zipkin, PN Manley, MD Schlesinger
PloS one 8 (5), e63088, 2013
Sustaining ecosystems: A conceptual framework
PN Manley, GE Brogan, C Cook, ME Flores, DG Fullmer, S Husari, ...
San Francisco: US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region and Station, 1995
Drill, baby, drill: The influence of woodpeckers on post‐fire vertebrate communities through cavity excavation
GL Tarbill, PN Manley, AM White
Journal of Zoology 296 (2), 95-103, 2015
Strategies for monitoring terrestrial animals and habitats
RS Holthausen
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 2005
Using process based snow modeling and lidar to predict the effects of forest thinning on the northern Sierra Nevada snowpack
SA Krogh, PD Broxton, PN Manley, AA Harpold
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 3, 21, 2020
Landscape heterogeneity compensates for fuel reduction treatment effects on Northern flying squirrel populations
R Sollmann, AM White, GL Tarbill, PN Manley, EE Knapp
Forest Ecology and Management 373, 100-107, 2016
The California spotted owl: current state of knowledge
RJ Gutiérrez, PN Manley, PA Stine
Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-254. Albany, CA: US Department of Agriculture …, 2017
Biotic diversity interfaces with urbanization in the Lake Tahoe Basin
PN Manley, DD Murphy, LA Campbell, KE Heckmann, S Merideth, ...
California Agriculture 60 (2), 2006
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Articles 1–20