Usama Zaghloul (Heiba)
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Cited by
Dielectric charging in silicon nitride films for MEMS capacitive switches: Effect of film thickness and deposition conditions
U Zaghloul, G Papaioannou, F Coccetti, P Pons, R Plana
Microelectronics Reliability 49 (9-11), 1309-1314, 2009
Voltage and temperature effect on dielectric charging for RF-MEMS capacitive switches reliability investigation
M Lamhamdi, P Pons, U Zaghloul, L Boudou, F Coccetti, J Guastavino, ...
Microelectronics Reliability 48 (8-9), 1248-1252, 2008
On the reliability of electrostatic NEMS/MEMS devices: Review of present knowledge on the dielectric charging and stiction failure mechanisms and novel characterization …
U Zaghloul, G Papaioannou, B Bhushan, F Coccetti, P Pons, R Plana
Microelectronics Reliability 51 (9-11), 1810-1818, 2011
On the influence of environment gases, relative humidity and gas purification on dielectric charging/discharging processes in electrostatically driven MEMS/NEMS devices
U Zaghloul, B Bhushan, P Pons, GJ Papaioannou, F Coccetti, R Plana
Nanotechnology 22 (3), 035705, 2010
Sub-1-volt piezoelectric nanoelectromechanical relays with millivolt switching capability
U Zaghloul, G Piazza
IEEE Electron Device Letters 35 (6), 669-671, 2014
A systematic reliability investigation of the dielectric charging process in electrostatically actuated MEMS based on Kelvin probe force microscopy
U Zaghloul, GJ Papaioannou, F Coccetti, P Pons, R Plana
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 20 (6), 064016, 2010
10–25 NM piezoelectric nano-actuators and NEMS switches for millivolt computational logic
U Zaghloul, G Piazza
2013 IEEE 26th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems …, 2013
Assessment of dielectric charging in electrostatically driven MEMS devices: A comparison of available characterization techniques
U Zaghloul, M Koutsoureli, H Wang, F Coccetti, G Papaioannou, P Pons, ...
Microelectronics Reliability 50 (9-11), 1615-1620, 2010
Nanoscale characterization of the dielectric charging phenomenon in PECVD silicon nitride thin films with various interfacial structures based on Kelvin probe force microscopy
U Zaghloul, GJ Papaioannou, H Wang, B Bhushan, F Coccetti, P Pons, ...
Nanotechnology 22 (20), 205708, 2011
Nanoscale characterization of different stiction mechanisms in electrostatically driven MEMS devices based on adhesion and friction measurements
U Zaghloul, B Bhushan, P Pons, GJ Papaioannou, F Coccetti, R Plana
Journal of colloid and interface science 358 (1), 1-13, 2011
Synthesis and characterization of 10 nm thick piezoelectric AlN films with high c-axis orientation for miniaturized nanoelectromechanical devices
U Zaghloul, G Piazza
Applied Physics Letters 104 (25), 2014
Highly scalable NEMS relays with stress-tuned switching voltage using piezoelectric buckling actuators
U Zaghloul, G Piazza
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 61 (10), 3520-3528, 2014
Kelvin probe force microscopy-based characterization techniques applied for electrostatic MEMS/NEMS devices and bare dielectric films to investigate the dielectric and …
U Zaghloul, B Bhushan, F Coccetti, P Pons, R Plana
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 29 (5), 2011
A novel low cost failure analysis technique for dielectric charging phenomenon in electrostatically actuated MEMS devices
U Zaghloul, F Coccetti, GJ Papaioannou, P Pons, R Plana
2010 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, 237-245, 2010
A comprehensive study for dielectric charging process in silicon nitride films for RF MEMS switches using Kelvin probe microscopy
U Zaghloul, A Belarni, F Coccetti, GJ Papaioannou, L Bouscayrol, P Pons, ...
TRANSDUCERS 2009-2009 International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and …, 2009
Nanotribology-based novel characterization techniques for the dielectric charging failure mechanism in electrostatically actuated NEMS/MEMS devices using force–distance curve …
U Zaghloul, B Bhushan, G Papaioannou, F Coccetti, P Pons, R Plana
Journal of colloid and interface science 365 (1), 236-253, 2012
Effect of deposition gas ratio, RF power, and substrate temperature on the charging/discharging processes in PECVD silicon nitride films for electrostatic NEMS/MEMS reliability …
U Zaghloul, GJ Papaioannou, B Bhushan, H Wang, F Coccetti, P Pons, ...
Journal of microelectromechanical systems 20 (6), 1395-1418, 2011
Effect of humidity on dielectric charging process in electrostatic capacitive RF MEMS switches based on Kelvin probe force microscopy surface potential measurements
U Zaghloul, GJ Papaioannou, F Coccetti, P Pons, R Plana
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1222, 1222-DD02-11, 2009
Different stiction mechanisms in electrostatic MEMS devices: Nanoscale characterization based on adhesion and friction measurements
U Zaghloul, B Bhushan, P Pons, G Papaioannou, F Coccetti, R Plana
2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems …, 2011
Charging processes in silicon nitride films for RF-MEMS capacitive switches: The effect of deposition method and film thickness
U Zaghloul, A Abelarni, F Coccetti, G Papaioannou, R Plana, P Pons
MRS Fall Meeting, 1-5, 2008
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Articles 1–20