Felicity Mclure
Felicity Mclure
Senior Lecturer, Charles Darwin University
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Cited by
Assessing classroom emotional climate in STEM classrooms: Developing and validating a questionnaire
BJ Fraser, FI McLure, RB Koul
Learning Environments Research 24, 1-21, 2021
A sustained multidimensional conceptual change intervention in grade 9 and 10 science classes
F McLure, M Won, DF Treagust
International Journal of Science Education 42 (5), 703-721, 2020
What do integrated STEM projects look like in middle school and high school classrooms? A systematic literature review of empirical studies of iSTEM projects
FI McLure, KS Tang, PJ Williams
International Journal of STEM Education 9 (1), 73, 2022
Analysis of students’ diagrams explaining scientific phenomena
F McLure, M Won, DF Treagust
Research in Science Education 52 (4), 1225-1241, 2022
Multiple representations and students’ conceptual change in science
DF Treagust, M Won, F McLure
Converging perspectives on conceptual change, 121-128, 2017
Structural relationships between classroom emotional climate, teacher–student interpersonal relationships and students’ attitudes to STEM
FI McLure, BJ Fraser, RB Koul
Social Psychology of Education 25 (2), 625-648, 2022
Students’ understanding of the emergent processes of natural selection: The need for ontological conceptual change
F McLure, M Won, DF Treagust
International Journal of Science Education 42 (9), 1485-1502, 2020
Addition of small molecules to (. eta.-C5H5) 2Rh2 (CO)(CF3C2CF3). 5. Formation of several different bridging diene and dienone ligands by the cooligomerization of tert …
RS Dickson, GD Fallon, FI McLure, RJ Nesbit
Organometallics 6 (2), 215-223, 1987
Gender differences in classroom emotional climate and attitudes among students undertaking integrated STEM projects: A Rasch analysis
RB Koul, FI McLure, BJ Fraser
Research in Science & Technological Education 41 (3), 1051-1071, 2023
A systematic literature review of barriers and supports: initiating educational change at the system level
FI McLure, JM Aldridge
School Leadership & Management 42 (4), 402-431, 2022
Substitution reactions of nitrothiophenes. 6. Disparate mechanisms for substitution reactions at neopentyl carbons bearing 4-and 5-nitrothienyl groups
FI Flower, PJ Newcombe, RK Norris
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 48 (23), 4202-4205, 1983
University students’ classroom emotional climate and attitudes during and after COVID-19 lockdown
FI McLure, RB Koul, BJ Fraser
Education Sciences 12 (1), 31, 2022
Preparing schools for educational change: Barriers and supports–a systematic literature review
JM Aldridge, FI McLure
Leadership and Policy in Schools 23 (3), 486-511, 2024
The thinking frames approach: Improving high school students’ written explanations of phenomena in science
F McLure
Research in Science Education 53 (1), 173-191, 2023
Gender differences among students undertaking iSTEM projects in multidisciplinary vs unidisciplinary STEM classrooms in government vs nongovermnment schools: classroom …
FI McLure, RB Koul, BJ Fraser
Learning Environments Research 25 (3), 917-937, 2022
What students’ diagrams reveal about their sense-making of plate tectonics in lower secondary science
F McLure, M Won, DF Treagust
International Journal of Science Education 43 (16), 2684-2705, 2021
The Thinking Frames Approach: a case study of inclusion using student‐generated multiple‐representations
F McLure
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 20 (1), 3-13, 2020
Sustaining reform implementation: A systematic literature review
FI McLure, JM Aldridge
School Leadership & Management 43 (1), 70-98, 2023
‘Even though it might take me a while, in the end, I understand it’: a longitudinal case study of interactions between a conceptual change strategy and student motivation …
F McLure, M Won, DF Treagust
Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research 2, 1-17, 2020
Teaching thermal physics to year 9 students: The thinking frames approach
F McLure, M Won, DF Treagust
Physics Education 55 (3), 035007, 2020
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Articles 1–20