Diana Córdoba
Cited by
Cited by
Participatory impact pathways analysis: a practical method for project planning and evaluation
S Alvarez, B Douthwaite, G Thiele, R Mackay, D Córdoba, K Tehelen
Development in Practice 20 (8), 946-958, 2010
Deforestation scenarios for the Bolivian lowlands
G Tejada, E Dalla-Nora, D Cordoba, R Lafortezza, A Ovando, T Assis, ...
Environmental research 144, 49-63, 2016
Family farming, agribusiness and the state: Building consent around oil palm expansion in post-neoliberal Brazil
D Córdoba, T Selfa, JB Abrams, D Sombra
Journal of Rural Studies 57, 147-156, 2018
Shaping alternatives to development: Solidarity and reciprocity in the Andes during COVID-19
D Córdoba, AM Peredo, P Chaves
World Development 139, 105323, 2021
The Return of the State: Neocollectivism, Agrarian Politics and Images of Technological Progress in the MAS Era in B olivia
D Cordoba, K Jansen
Journal of Agrarian Change 14 (4), 480-500, 2014
Fuelling Social Inclusion? Neo‐extractivism, State–Society Relations and Biofuel Policies in Latin America's Southern Cone
D Córdoba, M Chiappe, J Abrams, T Selfa
Development and Change 49 (1), 63-88, 2018
Understanding local perceptions of the impacts of large-scale oil palm plantations on ecosystem services in the Brazilian Amazon
D Córdoba, L Juen, T Selfa, AM Peredo, LF de Assis Montag, D Sombra, ...
Forest policy and economics 109, 102007, 2019
Decentralizing payments for hydrological services programs in Veracruz, Mexico: Challenges and implications for long-term sustainability
M Nava-López, TL Selfa, D Cordoba, EC Pischke, D Torrez, ...
Society & Natural Resources 31 (12), 1389-1399, 2018
Project design and management based on a co-innovation framework: towards more effective research intervention for sustainable development of farming systems.
WAH Rossing, S Dogliotti, GF Bacigalupe, E Cittadini, C Mundet, ...
The malleability of participation: The politics of agricultural research under neoliberalism in Bolivia
D Córdoba, K Jansen, C González
Development and Change 45 (6), 1284-1309, 2014
Same Disease—different research strategies: Bananas and B lack S igatoka in B razil and C olombia
D Cordoba, K Jansen
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 35 (3), 345-361, 2014
Realigning the political and the technical: NGOs and the politicization of agrarian development in Bolivia
D Cordoba, K Jansen
The European Journal of Development Research 28, 447-464, 2016
Procesos de intervención con enfoque de cadena productiva y su contribución a la articulación a mercados de productores de pequeña escala
D Córdoba
Las relaciones internacionales de la pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe …, 2012
Políticas y procesos de innovación tecnológica con productores de pequeña escala en Honduras y Nicaragua
MV Gottret, DM Córdoba
Cali, Colombia: Centro Internacional de Agricultural Tropical, 2004
Decolonizing local planning through new social cartography: Making Black geographies visible in a plantation context in Colombia
R Moreno-Quintero, D Córdoba, R Acevedo
Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal 6 (4-6), 225-249, 2021
When payment for ecosystem services meets culture: A culture theory perspective
D Córdoba, EC Pischke, T Selfa, KW Jones, S Avila-Foucat
Society & natural resources 34 (4), 505-523, 2021
Achieving palm oil sustainability under contract: roundtable on sustainable palm oil and family farmers in the Brazilian Amazon
D Córdoba, J Abrams, T Selfa
Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 4, 100160, 2022
Birds and bioenergy within the americas: A cross-national, social–ecological study of ecosystem service tradeoffs
JL Knowlton, KE Halvorsen, DJ Flaspohler, CR Webster, J Abrams, ...
Land 10 (3), 258, 2021
Politización, participación e innovación: socializando la investigación agrícola en Bolivia
D Córdoba
Apuntes 44 (81), 131-160, 2017
Empowerment through articulations between post-neoliberal politics and neoliberalism: value chain alliances in Bolivia
D Córdoba, K Jansen, C González
Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du …, 2017
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Articles 1–20